The predefined dialog icons work well in many cases, but sometimes
it makes sense to use a more specific icon, so add an option to
specify an icon-name to use instead.
If you need to load a local html file, you can use --filename=patch/to/html.
* zenity --text-info --html --filename=file.html
* zenity --text-info --html
Zenity will add http:// if isn't declared in --url
* Added a cancel button returning 1 if clicked
* Renamed the Close button to Ok, still returning 0 if clicked
* Added --ok-label=TEXT option to change the Ok button label
* Added --cancel-label=TEXT option to change the Cancel button label
* Added --checkbox=TEXT option to show an "I Agree and accept the terms" checkbox
If --checkbox is enabled, the Ok button will be disabled if the checkbox isn't checked.