Re-add _non_virtual and add _unedited for methods #18

bigjango13 wants to merge 2 commits from bigjango13/symbol-processor:master into master

This also adds some basic error checking to def.nanorc (kind of like nanorc.nanorc, but less perfect).

I know _non_virtual was removed for a reason, and I'm assuming it was the recent change to the 3.0.0 API. However, I think that this change will help smooth over a few issues with the current API:

  • Circumventing the system, this sounds bad, but it some cases it may be needed in the same way overwrite_call is needed for MCPI, everything from bugs in Reborn to just things Reborn had no way to expect. There are tons of examples from avoiding setting is_hurt to rendering hearts for decor to custom keybindings.
  • This won't suddenly make something possible, it will just make it less ugly, and I really like how much prettier the symbols processor is making things so it seems a shame to keep an useful edgecase ugly.
This also adds some basic error checking to `def.nanorc` (kind of like nanorc.nanorc, but less perfect). I know `_non_virtual` was removed for a reason, and I'm assuming it was the recent change to the 3.0.0 API. However, I think that this change will help smooth over a few issues with the current API: - Circumventing the system, this sounds bad, but it some cases it may be needed in the same way `overwrite_call` is needed for MCPI, everything from bugs in Reborn to just things Reborn had no way to expect. There are tons of examples from [avoiding setting `is_hurt`]( to [rendering hearts for decor](<>) to [custom keybindings](<>). - This won't suddenly make something possible, it will just make it less ugly, and I really like how much prettier the symbols processor is making things so it seems a shame to keep an useful edgecase ugly.
bigjango13 added 1 commit 2024-04-08 05:12:42 +00:00
bigjango13 added 1 commit 2024-05-04 07:14:07 +00:00

I added some stuff from this PR in a separate commit.

I added some stuff from this PR in a separate commit.
TheBrokenRail closed this pull request 2024-05-05 04:43:30 +00:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: minecraft-pi-reborn/symbol-processor#18
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