Fix Arch documentation #47

threeoh6000 wants to merge 1 commits from threeoh6000/minecraft-pi-reborn:master into master
First-time contributor

pacman -Sy is a bad command and should never be ran as it syncs the repositories but doesn't actually upgrade the software on the system which could royally screw up an unknowing Arch noob's system.

Fixed to use pacman -S which installs the packages from the latest version in the synced repositories, which won't cause any potential breakage in any Arch system.

`pacman -Sy` is a bad command and should never be ran as it syncs the repositories but doesn't actually upgrade the software on the system which could royally screw up an unknowing Arch noob's system. Fixed to use `pacman -S` which installs the packages from the latest version in the synced repositories, which won't cause any potential breakage in any Arch system.
threeoh6000 added 1 commit 2022-08-27 15:47:47 +00:00
pacman -Sy is a bad command and should never be ran as it syncs the repositories but doesn't actually  upgrade the software on the system which could royally screw up an unknowing Arch noob's system.
First-time contributor
[The ArchWiki also says not to use `pacman -Sy`](
TheBrokenRail closed this pull request 2022-09-28 00:58:08 +00:00

Documentation has been updated.

Documentation has been updated.

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Reference: minecraft-pi-reborn/minecraft-pi-reborn#47
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