#include #include TextInputBox *TextInputBox::create(int id, const std::string &placeholder, const std::string &text) { // Construct TextInputBox *self = new TextInputBox; GuiComponent_constructor(&self->super); // Setup self->m_ID = id; self->m_xPos = 0; self->m_yPos = 0; self->m_width = 0; self->m_height = 0; self->m_placeholder = placeholder; self->m_text = text; self->m_bFocused = false; self->m_bEnabled = true; self->m_bCursorOn = true; self->m_insertHead = 0; self->m_lastFlashed = 0; self->m_pFont = nullptr; self->m_maxLength = -1; // Return return self; } void TextInputBox::setSize(int x, int y, int width, int height) { m_xPos = x; m_yPos = y; m_width = width; m_height = height; } void TextInputBox::init(Font *pFont) { m_pFont = pFont; } void TextInputBox::setEnabled(bool bEnabled) { m_bEnabled = bEnabled; } void TextInputBox::keyPressed(int key) { if (!m_bFocused) { return; } switch (key) { case 0x8: { // Backspace if (m_text.empty()) { return; } if (m_insertHead <= 0) { return; } if (m_insertHead > int(m_text.size())) { m_insertHead = int(m_text.size()); } m_text.erase(m_text.begin() + m_insertHead - 1, m_text.begin() + m_insertHead); m_insertHead--; break; } case 0x2e: { // Delete if (m_text.empty()) { return; } if (m_insertHead < 0) { return; } if (m_insertHead >= int(m_text.size())) { return; } m_text.erase(m_text.begin() + m_insertHead, m_text.begin() + m_insertHead + 1); break; } case 0x25: { // Left m_insertHead--; if (m_insertHead < 0) { m_insertHead = 0; } break; } case 0x27: { // Right m_insertHead++; if (!m_text.empty()) { if (m_insertHead > int(m_text.size())) { m_insertHead = int(m_text.size()); } } else { m_insertHead = 0; } break; } case 0x0d: { // Enter m_bFocused = false; break; } } } void TextInputBox::tick() { if (!m_lastFlashed) { m_lastFlashed = Common_getTimeMs(); } if (m_bFocused) { if (Common_getTimeMs() > m_lastFlashed + 500) { m_lastFlashed += 500; m_bCursorOn ^= 1; } } else { m_bCursorOn = false; } } void TextInputBox::setFocused(bool b) { if (m_bFocused == b) { return; } m_bFocused = b; if (b) { m_lastFlashed = Common_getTimeMs(); m_bCursorOn = true; m_insertHead = int(m_text.size()); } } void TextInputBox::onClick(int x, int y) { setFocused(clicked(x, y)); } static int PADDING = 5; void TextInputBox::charPressed(int k) { if (!m_bFocused) { return; } // note: the width will increase by the same amount no matter where K is appended std::string test_str = m_text + char(k); if (m_maxLength != -1 && int(test_str.length()) > m_maxLength) { return; } int width = Font_width(m_pFont, &test_str); if (width < (m_width - PADDING)) { m_text.insert(m_text.begin() + m_insertHead, k); m_insertHead++; } } void TextInputBox::render() { GuiComponent_fill(&super, m_xPos, m_yPos, m_xPos + m_width, m_yPos + m_height, 0xFFAAAAAA); GuiComponent_fill(&super, m_xPos + 1, m_yPos + 1, m_xPos + m_width - 1, m_yPos + m_height - 1, 0xFF000000); int textYPos = (m_height - 8) / 2; if (m_text.empty()) { GuiComponent_drawString(&super, m_pFont, &m_placeholder, m_xPos + PADDING, m_yPos + textYPos, 0x404040); } else { GuiComponent_drawString(&super, m_pFont, &m_text, m_xPos + PADDING, m_yPos + textYPos, 0xFFFFFF); } if (m_bCursorOn) { int xPos = 5; std::string substr = m_text.substr(0, m_insertHead); xPos += Font_width(m_pFont, &substr); std::string str = "_"; GuiComponent_drawString(&super, m_pFont, &str, m_xPos + xPos, m_yPos + textYPos + 2, 0xFFFFFF); } } bool TextInputBox::clicked(int xPos, int yPos) { if (!m_bEnabled) { return false; } if (xPos < m_xPos) { return false; } if (yPos < m_yPos) { return false; } if (xPos >= m_xPos + m_width) { return false; } if (yPos >= m_yPos + m_height) { return false; } return true; }