# Shavian translation for zenity. # Copyright (C) 2009 The Gnome Foundation. # Thomas Thurman , 2009. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: metacity\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-06 19:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman \n" "Language-Team: Shavian \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: ../src/about.c:64 msgid "" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it " "under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free " "Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) " "any later version.\n" msgstr "" "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憸饜懏饜懆饜懃 饜懄饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜懓 饜憰饜應饜憮饜憫饜憿饜懞; 饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜懏饜懓饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懄饜憵饜懣饜憫 饜懄饜憫 饜懐/饜懝 饜懃饜應饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜懄饜憫 饜懗饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜憺 饜憫饜懟饜懃饜憻 饜憹 " "饜憺 路饜憸饜懐饜懣 饜憽饜懅饜懐饜懠饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰 饜懆饜憻 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憱饜憫 饜憵饜懖 饜憺 饜憮饜懏饜懓 饜憰饜應饜憮饜憫饜憿饜懞 饜憮饜懍饜懐饜憶饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐; 饜懖饜憺饜懠 饜憹饜懟饜憼饜懇饜懐 2 " "饜憹 饜憺 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰, 饜懝 (饜懆饜憫 饜懣饜懠 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐) 饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜懁饜懕饜憫饜懠 饜憹饜懟饜憼饜懇饜懐.\n" #: ../src/about.c:72 msgid "" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " "this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 " "Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA." msgstr "" "饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜憶 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹饜憶 饜懇 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 饜憹 饜憺 路饜憸饜懐饜懣 饜憽饜懅饜懐饜懠饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜懁饜懖饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憰 饜懇饜懁饜應饜憴 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憸饜懏饜懆饜懃; " "饜懄饜憮 饜懐饜應饜憫, 饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜憮饜懏饜懓 饜憰饜應饜憮饜憫饜憿饜懞 饜憮饜懍饜懐饜憶饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐, 饜懄饜憴饜憭., 51 路饜憮饜懏饜懆饜憴饜憭饜懁饜懄饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懓饜憫, 饜憮饜懄饜憮饜憯 饜憮饜懁饜懝, " "路饜憵饜應饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懐, 饜懃饜懚 02110-1301, 饜憳饜懙饜懅饜憰饜懕." #: ../src/about.c:265 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "路饜憫饜應饜懃饜懇饜憰 路饜憯饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/about.c:277 msgid "Display dialog boxes from shell scripts" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憵饜應饜憭饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憱饜懅饜懁 饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憫饜憰" #: ../src/scale.c:56 #, c-format msgid "Maximum value must be greater than minimum value.\n" msgstr "饜懃饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懄饜懃饜懇饜懃 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憫饜懠 饜憺饜懆饜懐 饜懃饜懄饜懐饜懇饜懃饜懇饜懃 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣.\n" #: ../src/scale.c:63 #, c-format msgid "Value out of range.\n" msgstr "饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣 饜懍饜憫 饜憹 饜懏饜懕饜懐饜憽.\n" #: ../src/tree.c:321 #, c-format msgid "No column titles specified for List dialog.\n" msgstr "饜懐饜懘 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懁饜憻 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖饜憶 饜憮饜懝 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸.\n" #: ../src/tree.c:327 #, c-format msgid "You should use only one List dialog type.\n" msgstr "饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜憶 饜懣饜憰 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憿饜懗饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憫饜懖饜憪.\n" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:1 msgid "Add a new entry" msgstr "饜懆饜憶 饜懇 饜懐饜懣 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:2 msgid "Adjust the scale value" msgstr "饜懇饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜憺 饜憰饜憭饜懕饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:3 msgid "All updates are complete." msgstr "饜懛饜懁 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜懜 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憫." #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:4 msgid "An error has occurred." msgstr "饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜應饜憭饜懟饜憶." #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:5 msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憰饜懓饜憶?" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:7 msgid "Calendar selection" msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:8 msgid "Error" msgstr "饜懟饜懠" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:9 msgid "Information" msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:10 msgid "Progress" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:11 msgid "Question" msgstr "饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:12 msgid "Running..." msgstr "饜懏饜懗饜懐饜懄饜憴..." #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:13 msgid "Select a date from below." msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懇 饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憵饜懇饜懁饜懘." #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:14 msgid "Select items from the list" msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:15 msgid "Select items from the list below." msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懇饜懁饜懘." #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:16 msgid "Text View" msgstr "饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:17 msgid "Warning" msgstr "饜憿饜懝饜懐饜懄饜憴" #: ../src/zenity.ui.h:18 msgid "_Enter new text:" msgstr "_饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懠 饜懐饜懣 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫:" #: ../src/option.c:121 msgid "Set the dialog title" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/option.c:122 msgid "TITLE" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/option.c:130 msgid "Set the window icon" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:139 msgid "Set the width" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯" #: ../src/option.c:140 msgid "WIDTH" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯" #: ../src/option.c:148 msgid "Set the height" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜懀饜懖饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:149 msgid "HEIGHT" msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:157 msgid "Set dialog timeout in seconds" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憫饜懖饜懃饜懍饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻" #. Timeout for closing the dialog #: ../src/option.c:159 msgid "TIMEOUT" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜懃饜懍饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:173 msgid "Display calendar dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:182 ../src/option.c:242 ../src/option.c:285 #: ../src/option.c:318 ../src/option.c:430 ../src/option.c:569 #: ../src/option.c:631 ../src/option.c:715 ../src/option.c:748 msgid "Set the dialog text" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:183 ../src/option.c:243 ../src/option.c:252 #: ../src/option.c:286 ../src/option.c:319 ../src/option.c:431 #: ../src/option.c:537 ../src/option.c:570 ../src/option.c:632 #: ../src/option.c:641 ../src/option.c:650 ../src/option.c:716 #: ../src/option.c:749 msgid "TEXT" msgstr "饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:191 msgid "Set the calendar day" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜憶饜懕" #: ../src/option.c:192 msgid "DAY" msgstr "饜憶饜懕" #: ../src/option.c:200 msgid "Set the calendar month" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜懃饜懗饜懐饜憯" #: ../src/option.c:201 msgid "MONTH" msgstr "饜懃饜懗饜懐饜憯" #: ../src/option.c:209 msgid "Set the calendar year" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜憳饜懡" #: ../src/option.c:210 msgid "YEAR" msgstr "饜憳饜懡" #: ../src/option.c:218 msgid "Set the format for the returned date" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懟饜懐饜憶 饜憶饜懕饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:219 msgid "PATTERN" msgstr "饜憪饜懆饜憫饜懠饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:233 msgid "Display text entry dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:251 msgid "Set the entry text" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:260 msgid "Hide the entry text" msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜憶 饜憺 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:276 msgid "Display error dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜懟饜懠 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:294 ../src/option.c:327 ../src/option.c:658 #: ../src/option.c:724 msgid "Do not enable text wrapping" msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懏饜懆饜憪饜懄饜憴" #: ../src/option.c:309 msgid "Display info dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懘 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:342 msgid "Display file selection dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:351 msgid "Set the filename" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃" #: ../src/option.c:352 ../src/option.c:683 msgid "FILENAME" msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃" #: ../src/option.c:360 msgid "Allow multiple files to be selected" msgstr "饜懇饜懁饜懍 饜懃饜懗饜懁饜憫饜懄饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶" #: ../src/option.c:369 msgid "Activate directory-only selection" msgstr "饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹饜懕饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄-饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:378 msgid "Activate save mode" msgstr "饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹饜懕饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜懃饜懘饜憶" #: ../src/option.c:387 ../src/option.c:466 msgid "Set output separator character" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懍饜憫饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憫饜懠 饜憭饜懜饜懇饜憭饜憫饜懠" #: ../src/option.c:388 ../src/option.c:467 msgid "SEPARATOR" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憫饜懠" #: ../src/option.c:396 msgid "Confirm file selection if filename already exists" msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懟饜懃 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憮 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰" #: ../src/option.c:405 msgid "Sets a filename filter" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫饜憰 饜懇 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懄饜懁饜憫饜懠" #. Help for file-filter argument (name and patterns for file selection) #: ../src/option.c:407 msgid "NAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2 ..." msgstr "饜懐饜懕饜懃 | 饜憪饜懆饜憫饜懠饜懐1 饜憪饜懆饜憫饜懠饜懐2 ..." #: ../src/option.c:421 msgid "Display list dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:439 msgid "Set the column header" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懀饜懅饜憶饜懠" #: ../src/option.c:440 msgid "COLUMN" msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/option.c:448 msgid "Use check boxes for first column" msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜憲饜懅饜憭 饜憵饜應饜憭饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懝 饜憮饜懟饜憰饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/option.c:457 msgid "Use radio buttons for first column" msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜懏饜懕饜憶饜懄饜懘 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憮饜懝 饜憮饜懟饜憰饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/option.c:475 msgid "Allow multiple rows to be selected" msgstr "饜懇饜懁饜懍 饜懃饜懗饜懁饜憫饜懄饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜懏饜懘饜憻 饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶" #: ../src/option.c:484 ../src/option.c:691 msgid "Allow changes to text" msgstr "饜懇饜懁饜懍 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憫 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:493 msgid "" "Print a specific column (Default is 1. 'ALL' can be used to print all " "columns)" msgstr "" "饜憪饜懏饜懄饜懐饜憫 饜懇 饜憰饜憪饜懇饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 (饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懄饜憻 1. '饜懛饜懁' 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜懣饜憻饜憶 饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懄饜懐饜憫 饜懛饜懁 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻)" #. Column index number to print out on a list dialog #: ../src/option.c:495 ../src/option.c:504 msgid "NUMBER" msgstr "饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠" #: ../src/option.c:503 msgid "Hide a specific column" msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜憶 饜懇 饜憰饜憪饜懇饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/option.c:512 msgid "Hides the column headers" msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜憶饜憻 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懀饜懅饜憶饜懠饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:527 msgid "Display notification" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:536 msgid "Set the notification text" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憺 饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:560 msgid "Display progress indication dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懇饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:578 msgid "Set initial percentage" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懠饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憽" #: ../src/option.c:579 msgid "PERCENTAGE" msgstr "饜憪饜懠饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憽" #: ../src/option.c:597 #, no-c-format msgid "Dismiss the dialog when 100% has been reached" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憰饜懃饜懄饜憰 饜憺 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憿饜懅饜懐 100% 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜懏饜懓饜憲饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:607 #, no-c-format msgid "Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed" msgstr "饜憭饜懄饜懁 饜憪饜懞饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懄饜憮 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/option.c:622 msgid "Display question dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懇饜懐 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:640 msgid "Sets the label of the Ok button" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫饜憰 饜憺 饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹 饜憺 饜懘饜憭饜懕 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:649 msgid "Sets the label of the Cancel button" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫饜憰 饜憺 饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹 饜憺 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:673 msgid "Display text information dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:682 msgid "Open file" msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁" #: ../src/option.c:706 msgid "Display warning dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憿饜懝饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:739 msgid "Display scale dialog" msgstr "饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憰饜憭饜懕饜懁 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/option.c:757 msgid "Set initial value" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣" #: ../src/option.c:758 ../src/option.c:767 ../src/option.c:776 #: ../src/option.c:785 msgid "VALUE" msgstr "饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣" #: ../src/option.c:766 msgid "Set minimum value" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懃饜懄饜懐饜懇饜懃饜懇饜懃 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣" #: ../src/option.c:775 msgid "Set maximum value" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懃饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懄饜懃饜懇饜懃 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣" #: ../src/option.c:784 msgid "Set step size" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憰饜憫饜懅饜憪 饜憰饜懖饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:793 msgid "Print partial values" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懄饜懐饜憫 饜憪饜懜饜憫饜懄饜懆饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:802 msgid "Hide value" msgstr "饜懀饜懖饜憶 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣" #: ../src/option.c:826 msgid "Print version" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懄饜懐饜憫 饜憹饜懟饜憼饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/option.c:1490 msgid "General options" msgstr "饜憽饜懅饜懐饜懠饜懇饜懁 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1491 msgid "Show general options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憽饜懅饜懐饜懠饜懇饜懁 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1501 msgid "Calendar options" msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1502 msgid "Show calendar options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憭饜懆饜懁饜懇饜懐饜憶饜懠 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1512 msgid "Text entry options" msgstr "饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1513 msgid "Show text entry options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懄 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1523 msgid "Error options" msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1524 msgid "Show error options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懟饜懠 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1534 msgid "Info options" msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懘 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1535 msgid "Show info options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懘 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1545 msgid "File selection options" msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1546 msgid "Show file selection options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1556 msgid "List options" msgstr "饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1557 msgid "Show list options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1567 msgid "Notification icon options" msgstr "饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1568 msgid "Show notification icon options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1578 msgid "Progress options" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1579 msgid "Show progress options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憸饜懏饜懅饜憰 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1589 msgid "Question options" msgstr "饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1590 msgid "Show question options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憭饜憿饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1600 msgid "Warning options" msgstr "饜憿饜懝饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1601 msgid "Show warning options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憿饜懝饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1611 msgid "Scale options" msgstr "饜憰饜憭饜懕饜懁 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1612 msgid "Show scale options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憰饜憭饜懕饜懁 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1622 msgid "Text information options" msgstr "饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1623 msgid "Show text information options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1633 msgid "Miscellaneous options" msgstr "饜懃饜懄饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懕饜懐饜懓饜懇饜憰 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1634 msgid "Show miscellaneous options" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懃饜懄饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懕饜懐饜懓饜懇饜憰 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻" #: ../src/option.c:1659 #, c-format msgid "" "This option is not available. Please see --help for all possible usages.\n" msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懇饜憹饜懕饜懁饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁. 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憰饜懓 --help 饜憮饜懝 饜懛饜懁 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懣饜憰饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻.\n" #: ../src/option.c:1663 #, c-format msgid "--%s is not supported for this dialog\n" msgstr "--%s 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憮饜懝 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸\n" #: ../src/option.c:1667 #, c-format msgid "Two or more dialog options specified\n" msgstr "饜憫饜懙 饜懝 饜懃饜懝 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖饜憶\n"