268 lines
7.7 KiB
268 lines
7.7 KiB
import { INDENT, STRUCTURE_FILES, toHex, assertSize, INTERNAL, preventConstruction } from './common';
import { Method } from './method';
import { Property, StaticProperty } from './property';
import { VTable } from './vtable';
export class Struct {
readonly #name: string;
#vtable: VTable | null;
readonly #methods: Method[];
readonly #properties: Property[];
#size: number | null;
readonly #dependencies: string[];
readonly #staticProperties: StaticProperty[];
#directParent: string | null;
// Constructor
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;
this.#methods = [];
this.#properties = [];
this.#vtable = null;
this.#size = null;
this.#dependencies = [];
this.#staticProperties = [];
this.#directParent = null;
// Dependencies
#addDependency(dependency: string) {
getDependencies() {
return this.#dependencies;
// Ensure VTable Exists
ensureVTable() {
if (this.#vtable === null) {
this.#vtable = new VTable(this.#name);
// Set VTable Destructor Offset
setVTableDestructorOffset(offset: number) {
// Setters
setSize(size: number) {
this.#size = size;
// Getters
getName() {
return this.#name;
// Add Method
addMethod(method: Method, isVirtual: boolean) {
if (method.returnType !== this.#name && method.returnType in STRUCTURE_FILES) {
if (isVirtual) {
if (method.self !== this.#name) {
throw new Error();
} else {
if (method.isInherited) {
// Add Property
addProperty(property: Property) {
// Add Dependency If Needed
const type = property.rawType();
if (type in STRUCTURE_FILES) {
// Add Static Property
addStaticProperty(property: StaticProperty) {
// Configure VTable
setVTableSize(size: number) {
setVTableAddress(address: number) {
// Generate Properties
#generateProperties() {
// Sort Properties
const sortedProperties = [];
sortedProperties.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset);
// Fake Property To Pad Structure Size
let sizeProperty = null;
if (this.#size) {
sizeProperty = new Property(this.#size, '', '', '');
// Add Properties
let out = '';
for (let i = 0; i < sortedProperties.length; i++) {
const property = sortedProperties[i]!;
const lastProperty = sortedProperties[i - 1];
// Padding
let offsetFromLastProperty = property.offset;
if (lastProperty) {
offsetFromLastProperty -= lastProperty.offset;
let paddingSize = toHex(offsetFromLastProperty);
if (lastProperty) {
paddingSize += ` - sizeof(${lastProperty.type()})`;
out += `${INDENT}uchar ${INTERNAL}padding${i}[${paddingSize}];\n`;
// The Actual Property
if (property !== sizeProperty) {
out += `${INDENT}${property.type()} ${property.name()};\n`;
return out;
// Generate C++ Method Shortcuts
#generateMethod(method: Method, isVirtual: boolean) {
let out = '';
out += INDENT;
if (method.isStatic) {
out += 'static ';
out += `decltype(auto) ${method.shortName}(auto&&... args) {\n`;
out += `${INDENT}${INDENT}return `;
if (isVirtual) {
out += `this->vtable->${method.shortName}`;
} else {
out += `${method.getName()}->get(false)`;
out += '(';
if (!method.isStatic) {
out += `(${method.self} *) this, `;
out += 'std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);\n';
out += `${INDENT}}\n`;
return out;
#generateMethods() {
let out = '';
// Normal Methods
for (const method of this.#methods) {
out += this.#generateMethod(method, false);
// Virtual Methods
if (this.#vtable !== null) {
const virtualMethods = this.#vtable.getMethods();
for (const method of virtualMethods) {
if (method) {
out += this.#generateMethod(method, true);
// Return
return out;
// Generate Header
generate() {
let out = '';
// VTable
if (this.#vtable !== null) {
out += this.#vtable.generate();
// Static Properties
for (const property of this.#staticProperties) {
out += property.typedef();
// Property Typedefs
for (const property of this.#properties) {
out += property.typedef();
// Method Wrappers
for (const method of this.#methods) {
if (!method.isInherited) {
out += method.generate(false, false);
// Structure
out += `struct ${this.#name} {\n`;
out += this.#generateProperties();
out += this.#generateMethods();
for (const property of this.#staticProperties) {
// Static Property References
out += `${INDENT}static ${property.referenceDefinition(false)};\n`;
if (this.#size === null) {
// Prevent Manually Copying/Allocating Structure With Undefined
out += preventConstruction(this.#name);
out += `};\n`;
// Sanity Check Offsets
for (let i = 0; i < this.#properties.length; i++) {
const property = this.#properties[i]!;
const name = property.name();
const offset = property.offset;
out += `static_assert(offsetof(${this.#name}, ${name}) == ${toHex(offset)}, "Invalid Offset");\n`;
// Sanity Check Size
if (this.#size !== null) {
out += assertSize(this.#name, this.#size);
// Return
return out;
// Generate Compiled Code
generateCode() {
let out = '';
// Static Properties
for (const property of this.#staticProperties) {
out += `${property.referenceDefinition(true)} = *(${property.type()} *) ${toHex(property.offset)};\n`;
// Methods
for (const method of this.#methods) {
if (!method.isInherited) {
out += method.generate(true, false);
// VTable
if (this.#vtable !== null) {
const vtable = this.#vtable.generateCode(this.#directParent);
out += vtable;
// Return
return out;
// Set Direct Parent (Used For "New Method" Testing)
setDirectParent(directParent: string) {
this.#directParent = directParent;
} |