TheBrokenRail c88db307d7
Some checks failed
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CI / Build (ARM64, Server) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Build (ARMHF, Client) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Build (ARMHF, Server) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Test (Client) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Test (Server) (push) Waiting to run
CI / Build Example Mods (push) Waiting to run
CI / Release (push) Blocked by required conditions
CI / Build (AMD64, Client) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / Build (AMD64, Server) (push) Has been cancelled
Reduce Code Duplication
2024-05-09 02:55:30 -04:00

278 lines
9.0 KiB

#include <libreborn/libreborn.h>
#include <symbols/minecraft.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <mods/touch/touch.h>
#include <mods/home/home.h>
#include "options-internal.h"
// Button IDs
#define DISCORD_ID 0
#define BACK_ID 1
#define INFO_ID_START 2
// Constants
static int line_button_width = 80;
static int line_button_height = 24;
static int padding = 4;
static int line_height = 8;
static int bottom_padding = padding;
static int inner_padding = padding;
static int title_padding = 8;
static int info_text_y_offset = (line_button_height - line_height) / 2;
static int content_y_offset_top = (title_padding * 2) + line_height;
static int content_y_offset_bottom = (bottom_padding * 2) + line_button_height;
// Extra Version Info
static std::string extra_version_info =
#elif defined(MCPI_IS_FLATPAK_BUILD)
static std::string extra_version_info_full = !extra_version_info.empty() ? (" (" + extra_version_info + ")") : "";
// Profile Directory
static std::string profile_directory_suffix =
"/.var/app/" MCPI_APP_ID
static std::string get_profile_directory_url() {
const char *home = getenv("HOME");
if (home == nullptr) {
return std::string("file://") + home + profile_directory_suffix;
// Info Data
#define MORE_INFO_TEXT "More Info"
struct info_line {
std::string (*get_text)();
std::string button_url;
std::string button_text;
std::string info_sound_data_state = "N/A";
static info_line info[] = {
.get_text = []() {
return std::string("Version: v") + reborn_get_version() + extra_version_info_full;
.button_url = "https://gitea.thebrokenrail.com/minecraft-pi-reborn/minecraft-pi-reborn/src/branch/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md",
.button_text = MORE_INFO_TEXT
.get_text = []() {
return std::string("Profile Directory");
.button_url = get_profile_directory_url(),
.button_text = "Open"
.get_text = []() {
return std::string("Sound Data: ") + info_sound_data_state;
.button_url = "https://gitea.thebrokenrail.com/minecraft-pi-reborn/minecraft-pi-reborn/src/branch/master/docs/SOUND.md",
.button_text = MORE_INFO_TEXT
#define info_size int(sizeof(info) / sizeof(info_line))
// Positioned Info
struct info_pos {
int x;
int y;
struct info_line_position {
info_pos text;
info_pos button;
static info_line_position positioned_info[info_size];
static int content_height = 0;
static void position_info(Font *font, int width, int height) {
// First Stage (Find Max Text Width)
int info_text_width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < info_size; i++) {
std::string text = info[i].get_text();
int text_width = font->width(&text);
if (text_width > info_text_width) {
info_text_width = text_width;
// Second Stage (Initial Positioning)
int y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < info_size; i++) {
// Padding
if (i != 0) {
y += padding;
// Y
positioned_info[i].button.y = y;
positioned_info[i].text.y = y + info_text_y_offset;
// X
positioned_info[i].button.x = info_text_width + padding;
positioned_info[i].text.x = 0;
// Advance
y += line_button_height;
// Third Stage (Centering)
int info_height = y;
int info_width = info_text_width + padding + line_button_width;
content_height = height - content_y_offset_top - content_y_offset_bottom;
int info_y_offset = ((content_height - info_height) / 2) + content_y_offset_top;
int info_x_offset = (width - info_width) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < info_size; i++) {
positioned_info[i].button.x += info_x_offset;
positioned_info[i].button.y += info_y_offset;
positioned_info[i].text.x += info_x_offset;
positioned_info[i].text.y += info_y_offset;
// Open URL
static void open_url(const std::string &url) {
int return_code;
const char *command[] = {"xdg-open", url.c_str(), nullptr};
char *output = run_command(command, &return_code, nullptr);
if (output != nullptr) {
if (!is_exit_status_success(return_code)) {
WARN("Unable To Open URL: %s", url.c_str());
// Render Fancy Background
static void render_background(Minecraft *minecraft, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
// https://github.com/ReMinecraftPE/mcpe/blob/f0d65eaecec1b3fe9c2f2b251e114a890c54ab77/source/client/gui/components/RolledSelectionList.cpp#L169-L179
std::string texture = "gui/background.png";
Tesselator *t = &Tesselator_instance;
t->color(32, 32, 32, 255);
float x1 = x;
float x2 = x + width;
float y1 = y;
float y2 = y + height;
t->vertexUV(x1, y2, 0.0f, x1 / 32.0f, y2 / 32.0f);
t->vertexUV(x2, y2, 0.0f, x2 / 32.0f, y2 / 32.0f);
t->vertexUV(x2, y1, 0.0f, x2 / 32.0f, y1 / 32.0f);
t->vertexUV(x1, y1, 0.0f, x1 / 32.0f, y1 / 32.0f);
// Create VTable
CUSTOM_VTABLE(info_screen, Screen) {
// Buttons
static Button *discord;
static Button *back;
static Button *info_buttons[info_size];
// Init
vtable->init = [](Screen *self) {
// Info
for (int i = 0; i < info_size; i++) {
Button *button = touch_create_button(INFO_ID_START + i, info[i].button_text);
info_buttons[i] = button;
// Discord Button
discord = touch_create_button(DISCORD_ID, "Discord");
// Back Button
back = touch_create_button(BACK_ID, "Back");
// Handle Back
vtable->handleBackEvent = [](Screen *self, bool do_nothing) {
if (!do_nothing) {
OptionsScreen *screen = alloc_OptionsScreen();
self->minecraft->setScreen((Screen *) screen);
return true;
// Rendering
static Screen_render_t original_render = vtable->render;
vtable->render = [](Screen *self, int x, int y, float param_1) {
// Background
// Gradient
render_background(self->minecraft, 0, content_y_offset_top, self->width, content_height);
// Call Original Method
original_render(self, x, y, param_1);
// Title
std::string title = "Reborn Information";
self->drawCenteredString(self->font, &title, self->width / 2, title_padding, 0xffffffff);
// Info Text
for (int i = 0; i < info_size; i++) {
std::string text = info[i].get_text();
self->drawString(self->font, &text, positioned_info[i].text.x, positioned_info[i].text.y, 0xffffffff);
// Positioning
vtable->setupPositions = [](Screen *self) {
// Height/Width
int width = 120;
discord->width = back->width = width;
discord->height = back->height = line_button_height;
// X/Y
discord->y = back->y = self->height - bottom_padding - line_button_height;
discord->x = (self->width / 2) - inner_padding - width;
back->x = (self->width / 2) + inner_padding;
// Info
position_info(self->font, self->width, self->height);
for (int i = 0; i < info_size; i++) {
Button *button = info_buttons[i];
button->width = line_button_width;
button->height = line_button_height;
button->x = positioned_info[i].button.x;
button->y = positioned_info[i].button.y;
// Cleanup
vtable->removed = [](Screen *self) {
for (Button *button : self->rendered_buttons) {
// Handle Button Click
vtable->buttonClicked = [](Screen *self, Button *button) {
if (button->id == BACK_ID) {
// Back
} else if (button->id == DISCORD_ID) {
// Open Discord Invite
} else if (button->id >= INFO_ID_START) {
// Open Info URL
int i = button->id - INFO_ID_START;
// Create Screen
Screen *_create_options_info_screen() {
// Allocate
Screen *screen = alloc_Screen();
// Set VTable
screen->vtable = get_info_screen_vtable();
// Return
return screen;