TheBrokenRail 5040e28d14
All checks were successful
minecraft-pi-docker/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Add Cobwebs To Expanded Creative Inventory
2020-11-29 17:44:46 -05:00

224 lines
9.4 KiB

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libcore/libcore.h>
#include "extra.h"
#include "cxx11_util.h"
#include "screenshot/screenshot.h"
#include "minecraft.h"
#include <cstdio>
extern "C" {
// Read Asset File
static cxx11_string AppPlatform_readAssetFile_injection(__attribute__((unused)) unsigned char *app_platform, std::string const& path) {
std::string full_path("./data/");
std::ifstream stream(full_path);
std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
return create_cxx11_string(str.c_str());
// Take Screenshot Using TripodCamera
static void AppPlatform_linux_saveScreenshot_injection(__attribute__((unused)) unsigned char *app_platform, __attribute__((unused)) std::string const& param1, __attribute__((unused)) std::string const& param_2) {
// Open Sign Screen
static void LocalPlayer_openTextEdit_injection(unsigned char *local_player, unsigned char *sign) {
if (*(int *)(sign + 0x18) == 4) {
unsigned char *minecraft = *(unsigned char **) (local_player + 0xc90);
unsigned char *screen = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(0xd0);
screen = (*TextEditScreen)(screen, sign);
(*Minecraft_setScreen)(minecraft, screen);
static int is_valid_key(char key) {
return (key >= 32 && key <= 126) || key == BACKSPACE_KEY;
// Store Text Input
std::vector<char> input;
void extra_key_press(char key) {
if (is_valid_key(key)) {
void extra_clear_input() {
// Handle Text Input
static void TextEditScreen_updateEvents_injection(unsigned char *screen) {
// Call Original Method
if (*(char *)(screen + 4) == '\0') {
uint32_t vtable = *((uint32_t *) screen);
for (char key : input) {
if (key == BACKSPACE_KEY) {
// Handle Backspace
(*(Screen_keyPressed_t *) (vtable + 0x6c))(screen, BACKSPACE_KEY);
} else {
// Handle Nrmal Key
(*(Screen_keyboardNewChar_t *) (vtable + 0x70))(screen, key);
static void inventory_add_item(unsigned char *inventory, unsigned char *item, bool is_tile) {
unsigned char *item_instance = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(0xc);
item_instance = (*(is_tile ? ItemInstance_tile : ItemInstance_item))(item_instance, item);
(*FillingContainer_addItem)(inventory, item_instance);
static int32_t FillingContainer_addItem_injection(unsigned char *filling_container, unsigned char *item_instance) {
// Call Original
int32_t ret = (*FillingContainer_addItem)(filling_container, item_instance);
// Add Items
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Item_flintAndSteel, false);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Item_snowball, false);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Item_egg, false);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Item_shears, false);
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
unsigned char *item_instance = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(0xc);
item_instance = (*ItemInstance_damage)(item_instance, *Item_dye_powder, 1, i);
(*FillingContainer_addItem)(filling_container, item_instance);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Item_camera, false);
// Add Tiles
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_water, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_lava, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_calmWater, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_calmLava, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_glowingObsidian, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_web, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_topSnow, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_ice, true);
inventory_add_item(filling_container, *Tile_invisible_bedrock, true);
return ret;
static void Minecraft_tick_injection(unsigned char *minecraft, int32_t param_1, int32_t param_2) {
// Call Original Method
(*Minecraft_tick)(minecraft, param_1, param_2);
// Tick Dynamic Textures
unsigned char *textures = *(unsigned char **) (minecraft + 0x164);
if (textures != NULL) {
(*Textures_tick)(textures, true);
// Get Minecraft From Screen
static unsigned char *get_minecraft_from_screen(unsigned char *screen) {
return *(unsigned char **) (screen + 0x14);
// Redirect Create World Button To SimpleLevelChooseScreen
#define WORLD_NAME "world"
static void SelectWorldScreen_tick_injection(unsigned char *screen) {
bool create_world = *(bool *) (screen + 0xfc);
if (create_world) {
// Get New World Name
std::string new_name;
(*SelectWorldScreen_getUniqueLevelName)(new_name, screen, WORLD_NAME);
// Create SimpleLevelChooseScreen
unsigned char *new_screen = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(SIMPLE_LEVEL_CHOOSE_SCREEN_SIZE);
(*SimpleChooseLevelScreen)(new_screen, new_name);
// Set Screen
unsigned char *minecraft = get_minecraft_from_screen(screen);
(*Minecraft_setScreen)(minecraft, new_screen);
// Finish
*(bool *) (screen + 0xf9) = true;
} else {
static void Touch_SelectWorldScreen_tick_injection(unsigned char *screen) {
bool create_world = *(bool *) (screen + 0x154);
if (create_world) {
// Get New World Name
std::string new_name;
(*Touch_SelectWorldScreen_getUniqueLevelName)(new_name, screen, WORLD_NAME);
// Create SimpleLevelChooseScreen
unsigned char *new_screen = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(SIMPLE_LEVEL_CHOOSE_SCREEN_SIZE);
(*SimpleChooseLevelScreen)(new_screen, new_name);
// Set Screen
unsigned char *minecraft = get_minecraft_from_screen(screen);
(*Minecraft_setScreen)(minecraft, new_screen);
// Finish
*(bool *) (screen + 0x151) = true;
} else {
// Enable TripodCameraRenderer
static unsigned char *EntityRenderDispatcher_injection(unsigned char *dispatcher) {
// Call Original Method
// Register TripodCameraRenderer
unsigned char *renderer = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(0x193);
(*EntityRenderDispatcher_assign)(dispatcher, (unsigned char) 0x5, renderer);
return dispatcher;
// Display Smoke From TripodCamera Higher
static void Level_addParticle_injection(unsigned char *level, std::string const& particle, float x, float y, float z, float deltaX, float deltaY, float deltaZ, int count) {
// Call Original Method
(*Level_addParticle)(level, particle, x, y + 0.5, z, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, count);
__attribute((constructor)) static void init() {
// Implement AppPlatform::readAssetFile So Translations Work
overwrite((void *) AppPlatform_readAssetFile, (void *) AppPlatform_readAssetFile_injection);
// Implement AppPlatform_linux::saveScreenshot So Cameras Work
patch_address(AppPlatform_linux_saveScreenshot_vtable_addr, (void *) AppPlatform_linux_saveScreenshot_injection);
// Enable TripodCameraRenderer
overwrite_calls((void *) EntityRenderDispatcher, (void *) EntityRenderDispatcher_injection);
// Display Smoke From TripodCamera Higher
overwrite_call((void *) 0x87dc4, (void *) Level_addParticle_injection);
if (extra_has_feature("Fix Sign Placement")) {
// Fix Signs
patch_address(LocalPlayer_openTextEdit_vtable_addr, (void *) LocalPlayer_openTextEdit_injection);
patch_address(TextEditScreen_updateEvents_vtable_addr, (void *) TextEditScreen_updateEvents_injection);
if (extra_has_feature("Expand Creative Inventory")) {
// Add Extra Items To Creative Inventory (Only Replace Specific Function Call)
overwrite_call((void *) 0x8e0fc, (void *) FillingContainer_addItem_injection);
if (extra_has_feature("Animated Water")) {
// Tick Dynamic Textures (Animated Water)
overwrite_calls((void *) Minecraft_tick, (void *) Minecraft_tick_injection);
// Hijack Create World Button
patch_address(SelectWorldScreen_tick_vtable_addr, (void *) SelectWorldScreen_tick_injection);
patch_address(Touch_SelectWorldScreen_tick_vtable_addr, (void *) Touch_SelectWorldScreen_tick_injection);
// Make The SimpleChooseLevelScreen Back Button Go To SelectWorldScreen Instead Of StartMenuScreen
unsigned char simple_choose_level_screen_back_button_patch[4] = {0x05, 0x10, 0xa0, 0xe3};
patch((void *) 0x31144, simple_choose_level_screen_back_button_patch);