
118 lines
4.8 KiB

#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <libreborn/libreborn.h>
#include <libreborn/minecraft.h>
#include "../feature/feature.h"
#include "../init/init.h"
// Fix Grass And Leaves Inventory Rendering When The gui_blocks Atlas Is Disabled
static float ItemRenderer_renderGuiItemCorrect_injection(unsigned char *font, unsigned char *textures, unsigned char *item_instance, int32_t param_1, int32_t param_2) {
int32_t leaves_id = *(int32_t *) (*Tile_leaves + Tile_id_property_offset);
int32_t grass_id = *(int32_t *) (*Tile_grass + Tile_id_property_offset);
// Replace Rendered Item With Carried Variant
unsigned char *carried_item_instance = NULL;
if (item_instance != NULL) {
int32_t id = *(int32_t *) (item_instance + ItemInstance_id_property_offset);
int32_t count = *(int32_t *) (item_instance + ItemInstance_count_property_offset);
int32_t auxilary = *(int32_t *) (item_instance + ItemInstance_auxilary_property_offset);
if (id == leaves_id) {
carried_item_instance = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(ITEM_INSTANCE_SIZE);
(*ItemInstance_constructor_tile_extra)(carried_item_instance, *Tile_leaves_carried, count, auxilary);
} else if (id == grass_id) {
carried_item_instance = (unsigned char *) ::operator new(ITEM_INSTANCE_SIZE);
(*ItemInstance_constructor_tile_extra)(carried_item_instance, *Tile_grass_carried, count, auxilary);
// Fix Toolbar Rendering
GLboolean depth_test_was_enabled = glIsEnabled(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
// Call Original Method
float ret = (*ItemRenderer_renderGuiItemCorrect)(font, textures, carried_item_instance != NULL ? carried_item_instance : item_instance, param_1, param_2);
// Revert GL State Changes
if (depth_test_was_enabled) {
// Free Carried Item Instance Variant
if (carried_item_instance != NULL) {
::operator delete(carried_item_instance);
// Return
return ret;
// Fix Translucent Preview Items In Furnace UI Being Fully Opaque When The gui_blocks Atlas Is Disabled
static bool use_furnace_fix = false;
static void Tesselator_colorABGR_injection(unsigned char *tesselator, int32_t color) {
// Fix Furnace UI
if (use_furnace_fix) {
// Force Translucent
int32_t b = (color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
int32_t g = (color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
int32_t r = (color & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
// New Color
color = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24);
// Call Original Method
(*Tesselator_colorABGR)(tesselator, color);
static void Tesselator_begin_injection(unsigned char *tesselator, int32_t mode) {
// Call Original Method
(*Tesselator_begin)(tesselator, mode);
// Fix Furnace UI
if (use_furnace_fix) {
// Implict Translucent
(*Tesselator_colorABGR_injection)(tesselator, 0xffffffff);
static void Tesselator_color_injection(unsigned char *tesselator, int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b, int32_t a) {
// Fix Furnace UI
if (use_furnace_fix) {
// Force Translucent
// Call Original Method
(*Tesselator_color)(tesselator, r, g, b, a);
static float FurnaceScreen_render_ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem_injection(unsigned char *font, unsigned char *textures, unsigned char *item_instance, float param_1, float param_2, bool param_3) {
// Enable Furnace UI Fix
use_furnace_fix = true;
// Call Original Method
float ret = (*ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem)(font, textures, item_instance, param_1, param_2, param_3);
// Disable Furnace UI Fix
use_furnace_fix = false;
// Return
return ret;
// Init
void init_atlas() {
// Disable The gui_blocks Atlas Which Contains Pre-Rendered Textures For Blocks In The Inventory
if (feature_has("Disable gui_blocks Atlas")) {
unsigned char disable_gui_blocks_atlas_patch[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; // "nop"
patch((void *) 0x63c2c, disable_gui_blocks_atlas_patch);
// Fix Grass And Leaves Inventory Rendering When The gui_blocks Atlas Is Disabled
overwrite_calls((void *) ItemRenderer_renderGuiItemCorrect, (void *) ItemRenderer_renderGuiItemCorrect_injection);
// Fix Furnace UI
overwrite_calls((void *) Tesselator_colorABGR, (void *) Tesselator_colorABGR_injection);
overwrite_calls((void *) Tesselator_begin, (void *) Tesselator_begin_injection);
overwrite_calls((void *) Tesselator_color, (void *) Tesselator_color_injection);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x32324, (void *) FurnaceScreen_render_ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem_injection);