
49 lines
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static-method void initItems() = 0x94ed0;
vtable-size 0x98;
vtable 0x10f128;
size 0x24;
constructor (int id) = 0x99488;
virtual-method int getIcon(int auxiliary) = 0x14;
virtual-method void setIcon(int texture_x, int texture_y) = 0x18;
virtual-method int useOn(ItemInstance *item_instance, Player *player, Level *level, int x, int y, int z, int hit_side, float hit_x, float hit_y, float hit_z) = 0x20;
// Normally returns 0
virtual-method int getUseDuration(ItemInstance *item_instance) = 0x24;
// I don't know much about param_1, it might be some partially initialized ItemInstance*
virtual-method void useTimeDepleted(uchar *param_1, ItemInstance *item_instance, Level *level, Player *player) = 0x28;
virtual-method int getDestorySpeed(ItemInstance *item_instance, Tile *tile) = 0x2c;
virtual-method ItemInstance *use(ItemInstance *item_instance, Level *level, Player *player) = 0x30;
virtual-method bool mineBlock(ItemInstance *instance, int tile_id, int x, int y, int z) = 0x48;
virtual-method bool isFood() = 0x64;
virtual-method bool isArmor() = 0x68;
virtual-method void setDescriptionId(std::string *name) = 0x6c;
virtual-method std::string getDescriptionId(ItemInstance *item_instance) = 0x7c;
// This returns an Item*, but it's never called normally so it doesn't matter if we invent a better system over top of it
virtual-method ItemInstance *getCraftingRemainingItem(ItemInstance *item_instance) = 0x84;
// Swing = 0, eating = 1, drinking = 2, bow = 4, anything else is nothing
virtual-method int getUseAnimation() = 0x94;
property int id = 0x4;
property int max_damage = 0x8;
property int texture = 0xc;
property int category = 0x10;
property int max_stack_size = 0x14;
property bool equipped = 0x18;
property bool is_stacked_by_data = 0x19;
property Item *craftingRemainingItem = 0x1c;
property std::string description_id = 0x20;
// Globals
static-property-array Item *items = 0x17b250;
// Items
static-property Item *flintAndSteel = 0x17ba70;
static-property Item *snowball = 0x17bbb0;
static-property Item *shears = 0x17bbf0;
static-property Item *egg = 0x17bbd0;
static-property Item *dye_powder = 0x17bbe0;
static-property Item *camera = 0x17bc14;
static-property Item *bow = 0x17ba78;