All checks were successful
minecraft-pi-reborn/pipeline/head This commit looks good
261 lines
10 KiB
261 lines
10 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <libreborn/libreborn.h>
#include <symbols/minecraft.h>
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <media-layer/core.h>
#include "../init/init.h"
#include "../feature/feature.h"
#include "misc.h"
// Maximum Username Length
// Additional GUI Rendering
static int hide_chat_messages = 0;
static int render_selected_item_text = 0;
static void Gui_renderChatMessages_injection(unsigned char *gui, int32_t y_offset, uint32_t max_messages, bool disable_fading, unsigned char *font) {
// Call Original Method
if (!hide_chat_messages) {
(*Gui_renderChatMessages)(gui, y_offset, max_messages, disable_fading, font);
// Render Selected Item Text
if (render_selected_item_text) {
// Fix GL Mode
// Calculate Selected Item Text Scale
unsigned char *minecraft = *(unsigned char **) (gui + Gui_minecraft_property_offset);
int32_t screen_width = *(int32_t *) (minecraft + Minecraft_screen_width_property_offset);
float scale = ((float) screen_width) * *InvGuiScale;
// Render Selected Item Text
(*Gui_renderOnSelectItemNameText)(gui, (int32_t) scale, font, y_offset - 0x13);
// Reset Selected Item Text Timer On Slot Select
static uint32_t reset_selected_item_text_timer = 0;
static void Gui_tick_injection(unsigned char *gui) {
// Call Original Method
// Handle Reset
if (render_selected_item_text) {
float *selected_item_text_timer = (float *) (gui + Gui_selected_item_text_timer_property_offset);
if (reset_selected_item_text_timer) {
// Reset
*selected_item_text_timer = 0;
reset_selected_item_text_timer = 0;
// Trigger Reset Selected Item Text Timer On Slot Select
static void Inventory_selectSlot_injection(unsigned char *inventory, int32_t slot) {
// Call Original Method
(*Inventory_selectSlot)(inventory, slot);
// Trigger Reset Selected Item Text Timer
if (render_selected_item_text) {
reset_selected_item_text_timer = 1;
// Sanitize Username
static void LoginPacket_read_injection(unsigned char *packet, unsigned char *bit_stream) {
// Call Original Method
(*LoginPacket_read)(packet, bit_stream);
// Prepare
unsigned char *rak_string = packet + LoginPacket_username_property_offset;
// Get Original Username
unsigned char *shared_string = *(unsigned char **) (rak_string + RakNet_RakString_sharedString_property_offset);
char *c_str = *(char **) (shared_string + RakNet_RakString_SharedString_c_str_property_offset);
// Sanitize
char *new_username = strdup(c_str);
sanitize_string(&new_username, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, 0);
// Set New Username
(*RakNet_RakString_Assign)(rak_string, new_username);
// Free
// Fix RakNet::RakString Security Bug
// RakNet::RakString's format constructor is often given unsanitized user input and is never used for formatting,
// this is a massive security risk, allowing clients to run arbitrary format specifiers, this disables the
// formatting functionality.
static unsigned char *RakNet_RakString_injection(unsigned char *rak_string, const char *format, ...) {
// Call Original Method
return (*RakNet_RakString)(rak_string, "%s", format);
// Print Error Message If RakNet Startup Fails
static char *RAKNET_ERROR_NAMES[] = {
"Already Started",
"Invalid Socket Descriptors",
"Invalid Max Connections",
"Socket Family Not Supported",
"Part Already In Use",
"Failed To Bind Port",
"Failed Test Send",
"Port Cannot Be 0",
"Failed To Create Network Thread",
"Couldn't Generate GUID",
static RakNet_StartupResult RakNetInstance_host_RakNet_RakPeer_Startup_injection(unsigned char *rak_peer, unsigned short maxConnections, unsigned char *socketDescriptors, uint32_t socketDescriptorCount, int32_t threadPriority) {
// Call Original Method
RakNet_StartupResult result = (*RakNet_RakPeer_Startup)(rak_peer, maxConnections, socketDescriptors, socketDescriptorCount, threadPriority);
// Print Error
if (result != RAKNET_STARTED) {
// Return
return result;
// Fix Bug Where RakNetInstance Starts Pinging Potential Servers Before The "Join Game" Screen Is Opened
static unsigned char *RakNetInstance_injection(unsigned char *rak_net_instance) {
// Call Original Method
unsigned char *result = (*RakNetInstance)(rak_net_instance);
// Fix
*(unsigned char *) (rak_net_instance + RakNetInstance_pinging_for_hosts_property_offset) = 0;
// Return
return result;
// Close Current Screen On Death To Prevent Bugs
static void LocalPlayer_die_injection(unsigned char *entity, unsigned char *cause) {
// Close Screen
unsigned char *minecraft = *(unsigned char **) (entity + LocalPlayer_minecraft_property_offset);
(*Minecraft_setScreen)(minecraft, NULL);
// Call Original Method
(*LocalPlayer_die)(entity, cause);
// Fix Furnace Not Checking Item Auxiliary When Inserting New Item
static int32_t FurnaceScreen_handleAddItem_injection(unsigned char *furnace_screen, int32_t slot, ItemInstance const *item) {
// Get Existing Item
unsigned char *tile_entity = *(unsigned char **) (furnace_screen + FurnaceScreen_tile_entity_property_offset);
unsigned char *tile_entity_vtable = *(unsigned char **) tile_entity;
FurnaceTileEntity_getItem_t FurnaceTileEntity_getItem = *(FurnaceTileEntity_getItem_t *) (tile_entity_vtable + FurnaceTileEntity_getItem_vtable_offset);
ItemInstance *existing_item = (*FurnaceTileEntity_getItem)(tile_entity, slot);
// Check Item
int valid;
if (item->id == existing_item->id && item->auxiliary == existing_item->auxiliary) {
// Item Matches, Is Valid
valid = 1;
} else {
// Item Doesn't Match, Check If Existing Item Is Empty
if ((existing_item->id | existing_item->count | existing_item->auxiliary) == 0) {
// Existing Item Is Empty, Is Valid
valid = 1;
} else {
// Existing Item Isn't Empty, Isn't Valid
valid = 0;
// Call Original Method
if (valid) {
// Valid
return (*FurnaceScreen_handleAddItem)(furnace_screen, slot, item);
} else {
// Invalid
return 0;
// Custom Cursor Rendering
// The default behavior for Touch GUI is to only render the cursor when the mouse is clicking, this fixes that.
// This also makes the cursor always render if the mouse is unlocked, instead of just when there is a Screen showing.
static void GameRenderer_render_injection(unsigned char *game_renderer, float param_1) {
// Call Original Method
(*GameRenderer_render)(game_renderer, param_1);
// Check If Cursor Should Render
// Fix GL Mode
// Get X And Y
float x = (*Mouse_getX)() * (*InvGuiScale);
float y = (*Mouse_getY)() * (*InvGuiScale);
// Render Cursor
unsigned char *minecraft = *(unsigned char **) (game_renderer + GameRenderer_minecraft_property_offset);
(*renderCursor)(x, y, minecraft);
// Init
void init_misc() {
// Remove Invalid Item Background (A Red Background That Appears For Items That Are Not Included In The gui_blocks Atlas)
if (feature_has("Remove Invalid Item Background", server_disabled)) {
unsigned char invalid_item_background_patch[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; // "nop"
patch((void *) 0x63c98, invalid_item_background_patch);
// Render Selected Item Text + Hide Chat Messages
hide_chat_messages = feature_has("Hide Chat Messages", server_disabled);
render_selected_item_text = feature_has("Render Selected Item Text", server_disabled);
overwrite_calls((void *) Gui_renderChatMessages, (void *) Gui_renderChatMessages_injection);
overwrite_calls((void *) Gui_tick, (void *) Gui_tick_injection);
overwrite_calls((void *) Inventory_selectSlot, (void *) Inventory_selectSlot_injection);
// Sanitize Username
patch_address(LoginPacket_read_vtable_addr, (void *) LoginPacket_read_injection);
// Fix RakNet::RakString Security Bug
overwrite_calls((void *) RakNet_RakString, (void *) RakNet_RakString_injection);
// Print Error Message If RakNet Startup Fails
overwrite_call((void *) 0x73778, (void *) RakNetInstance_host_RakNet_RakPeer_Startup_injection);
// Fix Bug Where RakNetInstance Starts Pinging Potential Servers Before The "Join Game" Screen Is Opened
overwrite_calls((void *) RakNetInstance, (void *) RakNetInstance_injection);
// Close Current Screen On Death To Prevent Bugs
if (feature_has("Close Current Screen On Death", server_disabled)) {
patch_address(LocalPlayer_die_vtable_addr, (void *) LocalPlayer_die_injection);
// Fix Furnace Not Checking Item Auxiliary When Inserting New Item
if (feature_has("Fix Furnace Not Checking Item Auxiliary", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_calls((void *) FurnaceScreen_handleAddItem, (void *) FurnaceScreen_handleAddItem_injection);
// Improved Cursor Rendering
if (feature_has("Improved Cursor Rendering", server_disabled)) {
// Disable Normal Cursor Rendering
unsigned char disable_cursor_patch[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; // "nop"
patch((void *) 0x4a6c0, disable_cursor_patch);
// Add Custom Cursor Rendering
overwrite_calls((void *) GameRenderer_render, (void *) GameRenderer_render_injection);
// Disable V-Sync
if (feature_has("Disable V-Sync", server_disabled)) {
// Init C++ And Logging