project(media-layer) # Check Options if(MCPI_USE_MEDIA_LAYER_PROXY) if(MCPI_HEADLESS_MODE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Headless Mode With Media Layer Proxy Configuration Is Redundant") endif() if(MCPI_BUILD_MODE STREQUAL "both") message(FATAL_ERROR "Media Layer Proxy Is Redundant When Building ARM And Native Components In The Same Build") endif() endif() # Add Headers add_library(media-layer-headers INTERFACE) target_include_directories(media-layer-headers INTERFACE include) # Add Core add_subdirectory(core) # Add Proxy if(MCPI_USE_MEDIA_LAYER_PROXY) add_subdirectory(proxy) endif() # Add Stubs add_subdirectory(stubs) # Add Extras add_subdirectory(extras)