# Installation Download packages [here](https://jenkins.thebrokenrail.com/job/minecraft-pi-reborn/job/master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/). ## Picking A Package ### Name Format ``` minecraft-pi-reborn-_X.Y.Z_ ``` ### Picking A Variant * ``client``: Client mode, use this if you want to play MCPI. * ``server``: Server mode, use this if you want to host a dedicated MCPI server. ### Picking An Architecture * ``amd64``: x86_64, use this if you are using a device with an AMD or Intel processor. * ``armhf``: ARM 32-Bit, use this if you are using an ARM device (like a Raspberry Pi). * ``arm64``: ARM 64-Bit, ``armhf`` but for 64-bit devices. ## Running Follow [these](https://docs.appimage.org/introduction/quickstart.html#how-to-run-an-appimage) instructions.