(Not) Made by Notch! @Banana! As (not) seen on TV! As seen on Discord! Awesome community! Awesome! BANANA! Boba was here! Casual gaming! Classic! Create! Definitely not Minecraft Console! Didn't remove Herobrine! Don't look directly at the bugs! Enhanced! Exploding Creepers! FREE! Fantasy! I was promised pie! It's the segment's fault! Join the Discord! Keyboard compatible! Minecraft! Not Minecraft Java! Now with Multiplayer! Now in 3D! Now without Docker! Obfuscated! Oh yeah, that version... Oh, OK, Pigmen... Open-source! Pixels! Pretty! RIP MCPIL-Legacy, 2020-2020 RIP Picraft Segmentation fault Segmentation fault (core dumped) Singleplayer! Survive! Teh! unsigend char! unsigned char! Try It! WDYM discontinued? Watch out for StevePi! Waterproof! We fixed the rail! Where is my pie? Who broke the rail? Who is StevePi? Why must you hurt me? Wow! Modded MCPI! mcpi-revival.github.io! discord.gg/aDqejQGMMy! Buckets! Caves! Multiplayer! Where's my sound? Animated Lava! Made with Ghidra! Python API! Raspberry Pi! It's alive! Now with cake! The bug attractor!