Building MCPIReborn Legacy for release #114

opened 2024-07-27 21:15:29 +00:00 by glowiak · 1 comment


I've been playing this mod for several weeks and been enjoying it a lot.
Now I would like to play the Legacy version, discover obsidian Nether Spires and all that.

But the jenkins builds linked in the reddit post are long deleted, and there is no release of it.
I tried to build it myself, but I cannot, as CMake does not detect my GTK3.

Do you still have the legacy amd64 AppImage archived? Could you share it?

Hello. I've been playing this mod for several weeks and been enjoying it a lot. Now I would like to play the Legacy version, discover obsidian Nether Spires and all that. But the jenkins builds linked in the reddit post are long deleted, and there is no release of it. I tried to build it myself, but I cannot, as CMake does not detect my GTK3. Do you still have the legacy amd64 AppImage archived? Could you share it? Thanks.

Better late than never:

Better late than never: [](/attachments/76ce0703-4f0f-4d8e-bec7-028dd912a640).
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Reference: minecraft-pi-reborn/minecraft-pi-reborn#114
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