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2009-04-06 16:04:08 -05:00

32 lines
920 B

# makefile for libpng
# Copyright (C) 1995 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in png.h
# modified for LC56/ATARI assumes libz.lib is in same dir and uses default
# rules for library management
CFLAGS=-I..\zlib -O
LBR = png.lib
LDFLAGS=-lpng -lz -lm
# where make install puts libpng.a and png.h
OBJS = $(LBR)(png.o) $(LBR)(pngset.o) $(LBR)(pngget.o) $(LBR)(pngrutil.o)\
$(LBR)(pngtrans.o) $(LBR)(pngwutil.o)\
$(LBR)(pngread.o) $(LBR)(pngerror.o) $(LBR)(pngwrite.o)\
$(LBR)(pngrtran.o) $(LBR)(pngwtran.o)\
$(LBR)(pngmem.o) $(LBR)(pngrio.o) $(LBR)(pngwio.o) $(LBR)(pngpread.o)
all: $(LBR) pngtest.ttp
$(LBR): $(OBJS)
pngtest.ttp: pngtest.o $(LBR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o$@ pngtest.o
install: libpng.a
-@mkdir $(prefix)/include
-@mkdir $(prefix)/lib
cp png.h $(prefix)/include
cp pngconf.h $(prefix)/include
chmod 644 $(prefix)/include/p