Microsoft Developer Studio Build File, Format Version 6.00 for libpng 1.0.8rc1 (July 17, 2000) and zlib Copyright (C) 2000 Simon-Pierre Cadieux For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in png.h Assumes that libpng sources are in .. Assumes that zlib sources have been copied to ..\..\zlib To build: 1) On the main menu Select "Build|Set Active configuration". Among the configurations beginning with "libpng" select the one you wish to build (the corresponding "zlib" configuration will be built automatically). 2) Select "Build|Clean" 3) Select "Build|Rebuild All" 4) Look in the appropriate "win32" subdirectories for both "zlib" and "libpng" binaries. This project will build the PNG Development Group's "official" versions of libpng and zlib libraries: libpng1.dll (default version, currently C code only) libpng1a.dll (C + Assembler version) libpng1b.dll (C + Assembler debug version) libpng1d.dll (C code debug version) libpng1[c,e-m].dll (reserved for official versions) libpng1[n-z].dll (available for private versions) zlib.dll (default version, currently C code only) zlibd.dll (debug version) If you change anything in libpng, or select different compiler settings, please change the library name to an unreserved name, and define DLLFNAME_POSTFIX and (PRIVATEBUILD or SPECIALBUILD) accordingly. DLLFNAME_POSTFIX should correspond to a string in the range of "N" to "Z" depending on the letter you choose for your private version. All DLLs built by this project use the Microsoft dynamic C runtime library MSVCRT.DLL (MSVCRTD.DLL for debug versions). If you distribute any of the above mentioned libraries you should also include this DLL in your package. For a list of files that are redistributable in Visual C++ 6.0, see Common\Redist\Redist.txt on Disc 1 of the Visual C++ 6.0 product CDs.