unit pngdef; // Caution: this file is probably out of date. interface const PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING = '1.0.9beta4'; PNG_LIBPNG_VER = 10009; type png_uint_32 = Cardinal; png_int_32 = Longint; png_uint_16 = Word; png_int_16 = Smallint; png_byte = Byte; png_size_t = png_uint_32; png_charpp = ^png_charp; png_charp = PChar; float = single; int = Integer; png_bytepp = ^png_bytep; png_bytep = ^png_byte; png_uint_16p = ^png_uint_16; png_uint_16pp = ^png_uint_16p; png_voidp = pointer; time_t = Longint; png_doublep = ^png_double; png_double = double; user_error_ptr = Pointer; png_error_ptrp = ^png_error_ptr; png_error_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; msg: Pointer); stdcall; png_rw_ptrp = ^png_rw_ptr; png_rw_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; data: Pointer; length: png_size_t); stdcall; png_flush_ptrp = ^png_flush_ptr; png_flush_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer); stdcall; png_progressive_info_ptrp = ^png_progressive_info_ptr; png_progressive_info_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; info_ptr: Pointer); stdcall; png_progressive_end_ptrp = ^png_progressive_end_ptr; png_progressive_end_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; info_ptr: Pointer); stdcall; png_progressive_row_ptrp = ^png_progressive_row_ptr; png_progressive_row_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; data: Pointer; length: png_uint_32; count: int); stdcall; png_read_status_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; row_number: png_uint_32; pass: int); stdcall; png_write_status_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; row_number: png_uint_32; pass: int); stdcall; png_user_chunk_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; data: png_unknown_chunkp); stdcall; png_user_transform_ptr = procedure(png_ptr: Pointer; row_info: Pointer; data: png_bytep); stdcall; png_colorpp = ^png_colorp; png_colorp = ^png_color; png_color = packed record red, green, blue: png_byte; end; png_color_16pp = ^png_color_16p; png_color_16p = ^png_color_16; png_color_16 = packed record index: png_byte; //used for palette files red, green, blue: png_uint_16; //for use in red green blue files gray: png_uint_16; //for use in grayscale files end; png_color_8pp = ^png_color_8p; png_color_8p = ^png_color_8; png_color_8 = packed record red, green, blue: png_byte; //for use in red green blue files gray: png_byte; //for use in grayscale files alpha: png_byte; //for alpha channel files end; png_textpp = ^png_textp; png_textp = ^png_text; png_text = packed record compression: int; //compression value key: png_charp; //keyword, 1-79 character description of "text" text: png_charp; //comment, may be empty ("") text_length: png_size_t; //length of text field end; png_timepp = ^png_timep; png_timep = ^png_time; png_time = packed record year: png_uint_16; //yyyy month: png_byte; //1..12 day: png_byte; //1..31 hour: png_byte; //0..23 minute: png_byte; //0..59 second: png_byte; //0..60 (leap seconds) end; png_infopp = ^png_infop; png_infop = Pointer; png_row_infopp = ^png_row_infop; png_row_infop = ^png_row_info; png_row_info = packed record width: png_uint_32; //width of row rowbytes: png_size_t; //number of bytes in row color_type: png_byte; //color type of row bit_depth: png_byte; //bit depth of row channels: png_byte; //number of channels (1, 2, 3, or 4) pixel_depth: png_byte; //bits per pixel (depth * channels) end; png_structpp = ^png_structp; png_structp = Pointer; const // Supported compression types for text in PNG files (tEXt, and zTXt). // The values of the PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_ defines should NOT be changed. PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE_WR = -3; PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt_WR = -2; PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE = -1; PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt = 0; // These describe the color_type field in png_info. // color type masks PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE = 1; PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR = 2; PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA = 4; // color types. Note that not all combinations are legal PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY = 0; PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE = PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR or PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE; PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB = PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR; PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA = PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR or PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA; PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA = PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA; // This is for compression type. PNG 1.0 only defines the single type. PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE = 0; // Deflate method 8, 32K window PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT = PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE; // This is for filter type. PNG 1.0 only defines the single type. PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE = 0; // Single row per-byte filtering PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT = PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE; // These are for the interlacing type. These values should NOT be changed. PNG_INTERLACE_NONE = 0; // Non-interlaced image PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7 = 1; // Adam7 interlacing // These are for the oFFs chunk. These values should NOT be changed. PNG_OFFSET_PIXEL = 0; // Offset in pixels PNG_OFFSET_MICROMETER = 1; // Offset in micrometers (1/10^6 meter) // These are for the pCAL chunk. These values should NOT be changed. PNG_EQUATION_LINEAR = 0; // Linear transformation PNG_EQUATION_BASE_E = 1; // Exponential base e transform PNG_EQUATION_ARBITRARY = 2; // Arbitrary base exponential transform PNG_EQUATION_HYPERBOLIC = 3; // Hyperbolic sine transformation // These are for the pHYs chunk. These values should NOT be changed. PNG_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN = 0; // pixels/unknown unit (aspect ratio) PNG_RESOLUTION_METER = 1; // pixels/meter // These are for the sRGB chunk. These values should NOT be changed. PNG_sRGB_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL = 0; PNG_sRGB_INTENT_RELATIVE = 1; PNG_sRGB_INTENT_SATURATION = 2; PNG_sRGB_INTENT_ABSOLUTE = 3; // Handle alpha and tRNS by replacing with a background color. PNG_BACKGROUND_GAMMA_UNKNOWN = 0; PNG_BACKGROUND_GAMMA_SCREEN = 1; PNG_BACKGROUND_GAMMA_FILE = 2; PNG_BACKGROUND_GAMMA_UNIQUE = 3; // Values for png_set_crc_action() to say how to handle CRC errors in // ancillary and critical chunks, and whether to use the data contained // therein. Note that it is impossible to "discard" data in a critical // chunk. For versions prior to 0.90, the action was always error/quit, // whereas in version 0.90 and later, the action for CRC errors in ancillary // chunks is warn/discard. These values should NOT be changed. // value action:critical action:ancillary PNG_CRC_DEFAULT = 0; // error/quit warn/discard data PNG_CRC_ERROR_QUIT = 1; // error/quit error/quit PNG_CRC_WARN_DISCARD = 2; // (INVALID) warn/discard data PNG_CRC_WARN_USE = 3; // warn/use data warn/use data PNG_CRC_QUIET_USE = 4; // quiet/use data quiet/use data PNG_CRC_NO_CHANGE = 5; // use current value use current value // Flags for png_set_filter() to say which filters to use. The flags // are chosen so that they don't conflict with real filter types // below, in case they are supplied instead of the #defined constants. // These values should NOT be changed. PNG_NO_FILTERS = $00; PNG_FILTER_NONE = $08; PNG_FILTER_SUB = $10; PNG_FILTER_UP = $20; PNG_FILTER_AVG = $40; PNG_FILTER_PAETH = $80; PNG_ALL_FILTERS = PNG_FILTER_NONE or PNG_FILTER_SUB or PNG_FILTER_UP or PNG_FILTER_AVG or PNG_FILTER_PAETH; // Filter values (not flags) - used in pngwrite.c, pngwutil.c for now. // These defines should NOT be changed. PNG_FILTER_VALUE_NONE = 0; PNG_FILTER_VALUE_SUB = 1; PNG_FILTER_VALUE_UP = 2; PNG_FILTER_VALUE_AVG = 3; PNG_FILTER_VALUE_PAETH = 4; // Heuristic used for row filter selection. These defines should NOT be // changed. PNG_FILTER_HEURISTIC_DEFAULT = 0; // Currently "UNWEIGHTED" PNG_FILTER_HEURISTIC_UNWEIGHTED = 1; // Used by libpng < 0.95 PNG_FILTER_HEURISTIC_WEIGHTED = 2; // Experimental feature PNG_FILTER_HEURISTIC_LAST = 3; // Not a valid value procedure png_build_grayscale_palette(bit_depth: int; palette: png_colorp); stdcall; function png_check_sig(sig: png_bytep; num: int): int; stdcall; procedure png_chunk_error(png_ptr: png_structp; const mess: png_charp); stdcall; procedure png_chunk_warning(png_ptr: png_structp; const mess: png_charp); stdcall; procedure png_convert_from_time_t(ptime: png_timep; ttime: time_t); stdcall; function png_convert_to_rfc1123(png_ptr: png_structp; ptime: png_timep): png_charp; stdcall; function png_create_info_struct(png_ptr: png_structp): png_infop; stdcall; function png_create_read_struct(user_png_ver: png_charp; error_ptr: user_error_ptr; error_fn: png_error_ptr; warn_fn: png_error_ptr): png_structp; stdcall; function png_get_copyright(png_ptr: png_structp): png_charp; stdcall; function png_get_header_ver(png_ptr: png_structp): png_charp; stdcall; function png_get_header_version(png_ptr: png_structp): png_charp; stdcall; function png_get_libpng_ver(png_ptr: png_structp): png_charp; stdcall; function png_create_write_struct(user_png_ver: png_charp; error_ptr: user_error_ptr; error_fn: png_error_ptr; warn_fn: png_error_ptr): png_structp; stdcall; procedure png_destroy_info_struct(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr_ptr: png_infopp); stdcall; procedure png_destroy_read_struct(png_ptr_ptr: png_structpp; info_ptr_ptr, end_info_ptr_ptr: png_infopp); stdcall; procedure png_destroy_write_struct(png_ptr_ptr: png_structpp; info_ptr_ptr: png_infopp); stdcall; function png_get_IHDR(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var width, height: png_uint_32; var bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type: int): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_PLTE(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var palette: png_colorp; var num_palette: int): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_bKGD(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var background: png_color_16p): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_bit_depth(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_byte; stdcall; function png_get_cHRM(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var white_x, white_y, red_x, red_y, green_x, green_y, blue_x, blue_y: double): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_channels(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_byte; stdcall; function png_get_color_type(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_byte; stdcall; function png_get_compression_type(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_byte; stdcall; function png_get_error_ptr(png_ptr: png_structp): png_voidp; stdcall; function png_get_filter_type(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_byte; stdcall; function png_get_gAMA(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var file_gamma: double): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_hIST(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var hist: png_uint_16p): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_image_height(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_image_width(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_interlace_type(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_byte; stdcall; function png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr: png_structp): png_voidp; stdcall; function png_get_oFFs(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var offset_x, offset_y: png_uint_32; var unit_type: int): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_sCAL(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var unit:int; var width: png_uint_32; height: png_uint_32): png_uint_32; stdcall function png_get_pCAL(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var purpose: png_charp; var X0, X1: png_int_32; var typ, nparams: int; var units: png_charp; var params: png_charpp): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_pHYs(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var res_x, res_y: png_uint_32; var unit_type: int): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): float; stdcall; function png_get_pixels_per_meter(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_progressive_ptr(png_ptr: png_structp): png_voidp; stdcall; function png_get_rgb_to_gray_status(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; function png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_rows(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_bytepp; stdcall; function png_get_sBIT(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var sig_bits: png_color_8p): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_sRGB(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var file_srgb_intent: int): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_signature(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_bytep; stdcall; function png_get_tIME(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var mod_time: png_timep): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_tRNS(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var trans: png_bytep; var num_trans: int; var trans_values: png_color_16p): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_text(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; var text_ptr: png_textp; var num_text: int): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_user_chunk_ptr(png_ptr: png_structp): png_voidp; stdcall; function png_get_valid(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; flag: png_uint_32): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_x_offset_microns(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_x_offset_pixels(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_x_pixels_per_meter(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_y_offset_microns(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_y_offset_pixels(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; function png_get_y_pixels_per_meter(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop): png_uint_32; stdcall; procedure png_process_data(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; buffer: png_bytep; buffer_size: png_size_t); stdcall; procedure png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr: png_structp; old_row, new_row: png_bytep); stdcall; procedure png_read_end(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop); stdcall; procedure png_read_image(png_ptr: png_structp; image: png_bytepp); stdcall; procedure png_read_info(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop); stdcall; procedure png_read_row(png_ptr: png_structp; row, dsp_row: png_bytep); stdcall; procedure png_read_rows(png_ptr: png_structp; row, display_row: png_bytepp; num_rows: png_uint_32); stdcall; procedure png_read_update_info(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop); stdcall; procedure png_set_IHDR(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; width, height: png_uint_32; bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type, compression_type, filter_type: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_PLTE(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; palette: png_colorp; num_palette: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_bKGD(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; background: png_color_16p); stdcall; procedure png_set_background(png_ptr: png_structp; background_color: png_color_16p; background_gamma_code, need_expand: int; background_gamma: double); stdcall; procedure png_set_bgr(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_cHRM(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; white_x, white_y, red_x, red_y, green_x, green_y, blue_x, blue_y: double); stdcall; procedure png_set_cHRM_fixed(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; white_x, white_y, red_x, red_y, green_x, green_y, blue_x, blue_y: png_fixed_point); stdcall; procedure png_set_compression_level(png_ptr: png_structp; level: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_compression_mem_level(png_ptr: png_structp; mem_level: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_compression_method(png_ptr: png_structp; method: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_compression_strategy(png_ptr: png_structp; strategy: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_compression_window_bits(png_ptr: png_structp; window_bits: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_crc_action(png_ptr: png_structp; crit_action, ancil_action: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_dither(png_ptr: png_structp; plaette: png_colorp; num_palette, maximum_colors: int; histogram: png_uint_16p; full_dither: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_error_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; error_ptr: png_voidp; error_fn, warning_fn: png_error_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_expand(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_filler(png_ptr: png_structp; filler: png_uint_32; filler_loc: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_filter(png_ptr: png_structp; method, filters: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_filter_heuristics(png_ptr: png_structp; heuristic_method, num_weights: int; filter_weights, filter_costs: png_doublep); stdcall; procedure png_set_flush(png_ptr: png_structp; nrows: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_gAMA(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; file_gamma: double); stdcall; procedure png_set_gAMA_fixed(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; file_gamma: png_fixed_point); stdcall; procedure png_set_gamma(png_ptr: png_structp; screen_gamma, default_file_gamma: double); stdcall; procedure png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_hIST(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; hist: png_uint_16p); stdcall; function png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr: png_structp): int; stdcall; procedure png_set_invalid(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr:png_infop; mask: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_invert_alpha(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_invert_mono(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_oFFs(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; offset_x, offset_y: png_uint_32; unit_type: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_pCAL(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; purpose: png_charp; X0, X1: png_int_32; typ, nparams: int; units: png_charp; params: png_charpp); stdcall; procedure png_set_pHYs(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; res_x, res_y: png_uint_32; unit_type: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_packing(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_packswap(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_progressive_read_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; progressive_ptr: png_voidp; info_fn: png_progressive_info_ptr; row_fn: png_progressive_row_ptr; end_fn: png_progressive_end_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_read_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; io_ptr: png_voidp; read_data_fn: png_rw_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_read_status_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; read_row_fn: png_read_status_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_read_user_chunk_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; read_user_chunk_fn: png_user_chunk_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_read_user_transform_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; read_user_transform_fn: png_user_transform_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_rgb_to_gray(png_ptr: png_structp; int: error_action; red_weight, green_weight: double); stdcall; procedure png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed(png_ptr: png_structp; int: error_action; red_weight, green_weight: png_fixed_point); stdcall; procedure png_set_rows(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; row_pointers: png_bytepp); stdcall; procedure png_set_sBIT(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; sig_bits: png_color_8p); stdcall; procedure png_set_sRGB(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; intent: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; intent: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_shift(png_ptr: png_structp; true_bits: png_color_8p); stdcall; procedure png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr: png_structp; num_bytes: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_strip_16(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_strip_alpha(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_swap(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_swap_alpha(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_tIME(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; mod_time: png_timep); stdcall; procedure png_set_tRNS(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; trans: png_bytep; num_trans: int; trans_values: png_color_16p); stdcall; procedure png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_set_text(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; text_ptr: png_textp; num_text: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_write_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; io_ptr: png_voidp; write_data_fn: png_rw_ptr; output_flush_fn: png_flush_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_write_status_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; write_row_fn: png_write_status_ptr); stdcall; procedure png_set_write_user_transform_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; write_user_transform_fn: png_user_transform_ptr); stdcall; function png_sig_cmp(sig: png_bytep; start, num_to_check: png_size_t): int; stdcall; procedure png_start_read_image(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_write_chunk(png_ptr: png_structp; chunk_name, data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); stdcall; procedure png_write_chunk_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); stdcall; procedure png_write_chunk_end(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_write_chunk_start(png_ptr: png_structp; chunk_name: png_bytep; length: png_uint_32); stdcall; procedure png_write_end(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop); stdcall; procedure png_write_flush(png_ptr: png_structp); stdcall; procedure png_write_image(png_ptr: png_structp; image: png_bytepp); stdcall; procedure png_write_info(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop); stdcall; procedure png_write_info_before_PLTE(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop); stdcall; procedure png_write_row(png_ptr: png_structp; row: png_bytep); stdcall; procedure png_write_rows(png_ptr: png_structp; row: png_bytepp; num_rows: png_uint_32); stdcall; procedure png_get_iCCP(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; name: png_charpp; compression_type: int *; profile: png_charpp; proflen: png_int_32): png_bytep; stdcall; procedure png_get_sPLT(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; entries: png_spalette_pp): png_uint_32; stdcall; procedure png_set_iCCP(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; name: png_charp; compression_type: int; profile: png_charp; proflen: int); stdcall; procedure png_free_data(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; num: int); stdcall; procedure png_set_sPLT(png_ptr: png_structp; info_ptr: png_infop; entries: png_spalette_p; nentries: int); stdcall; implementation const pngDLL = 'png32bd.dll'; procedure png_build_grayscale_palette; external pngDLL; function png_check_sig; external pngDLL; procedure png_chunk_error; external pngDLL; procedure png_chunk_warning; external pngDLL; procedure png_convert_from_time_t; external pngDLL; function png_convert_to_rfc1123; external pngDLL; function png_create_info_struct; external pngDLL; function png_create_read_struct; external pngDLL; function png_create_write_struct; external pngDLL; procedure png_destroy_info_struct; external pngDLL; procedure png_destroy_read_struct; external pngDLL; procedure png_destroy_write_struct; external pngDLL; function png_get_IHDR; external pngDLL; function png_get_PLTE; external pngDLL; function png_get_bKGD; external pngDLL; function png_get_bit_depth; external pngDLL; function png_get_cHRM; external pngDLL; function png_get_channels; external pngDLL; function png_get_color_type; external pngDLL; function png_get_compression_type; external pngDLL; function png_get_error_ptr; external pngDLL; function png_get_filter_type; external pngDLL; function png_get_gAMA; external pngDLL; function png_get_hIST; external pngDLL; function png_get_image_height; external pngDLL; function png_get_image_width; external pngDLL; function png_get_interlace_type; external pngDLL; function png_get_io_ptr; external pngDLL; function png_get_oFFs; external pngDLL; function png_get_pCAL; external pngDLL; function png_get_pHYs; external pngDLL; function png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio; external pngDLL; function png_get_pixels_per_meter; external pngDLL; function png_get_progressive_ptr; external pngDLL; function png_get_rowbytes; external pngDLL; function png_get_rows; external pngDLL; function png_get_sBIT; external pngDLL; function png_get_sRGB; external pngDLL; function png_get_signature; external pngDLL; function png_get_tIME; external pngDLL; function png_get_tRNS; external pngDLL; function png_get_text; external pngDLL; function png_get_user_chunk_ptr; external pngDLL; function png_get_valid; external pngDLL; function png_get_x_offset_microns; external pngDLL; function png_get_x_offset_pixels; external pngDLL; function png_get_x_pixels_per_meter; external pngDLL; function png_get_y_offset_microns; external pngDLL; function png_get_y_offset_pixels; external pngDLL; function png_get_y_pixels_per_meter; external pngDLL; procedure png_process_data; external pngDLL; procedure png_progressive_combine_row; external pngDLL; procedure png_read_end; external pngDLL; procedure png_read_image; external pngDLL; procedure png_read_info; external pngDLL; procedure png_read_row; external pngDLL; procedure png_read_rows; external pngDLL; procedure png_read_update_info; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_IHDR; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_PLTE; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_bKGD; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_background; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_bgr; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_cHRM; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_cHRM_fixed; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_compression_level; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_compression_mem_level; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_compression_method; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_compression_strategy; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_compression_window_bits; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_crc_action; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_dither; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_error_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_expand; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_filler; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_filter; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_filter_heuristics; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_flush; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_gAMA; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_gAMA_fixed; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_gamma; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_gray_to_rgb; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_hIST; external pngDLL; function png_set_interlace_handling; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_invert_alpha; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_invert_mono; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_oFFs; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_pCAL; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_pHYs; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_packing; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_packswap; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_progressive_read_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_read_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_read_status_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_read_user_transform_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_rgb_to_gray; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_rows; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_sBIT; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_sRGB; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_shift; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_sig_bytes; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_strip_16; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_strip_alpha; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_swap; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_swap_alpha; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_tIME; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_tRNS; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_text; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_user_chunk_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_write_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_write_status_fn; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_write_user_transform_fn; external pngDLL; function png_sig_cmp; external pngDLL; procedure png_start_read_image; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_chunk; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_chunk_data; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_chunk_end; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_chunk_start; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_end; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_flush; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_image; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_info; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_info_before_PLTE; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_row; external pngDLL; procedure png_write_rows; external pngDLL; procedure png_get_iCCP; external pngDLL; procedure png_get_sPLT; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_iCCP; external pngDLL; procedure png_set_sPLT; external pngDLL; procedure png_free_data; external pngDLL; end.