cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) cmake_policy(VERSION 3.1) project(libpng C) # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Glenn Randers-Pehrson # This code is released under the libpng license. # For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer # and license in png.h set(PNGLIB_MAJOR 1) set(PNGLIB_MINOR 2) set(PNGLIB_RELEASE 59) set(PNGLIB_NAME "libpng${PNGLIB_MAJOR}${PNGLIB_MINOR}") set(PNGLIB_VERSION "${PNGLIB_MAJOR}.${PNGLIB_MINOR}.${PNGLIB_RELEASE}") # Allow users to specify location of zlib. # Useful if zlib is being built alongside this as a sub-project. option(PNG_BUILD_ZLIB "Custom zlib Location, else find_package is used" OFF) if(NOT PNG_BUILD_ZLIB) find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) endif() find_library(M_LIBRARY m) if(NOT M_LIBRARY) message(STATUS "math library 'libm' not found - floating point support disabled") endif() option(PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO "FIXME" YES) option(PNG_NO_STDIO "FIXME" YES) option(PNG_DEBUG "Build with debug output" NO) option(PNGARG "FIXME" YES) #TODO: # PNG_CONSOLE_IO_SUPPORTED # maybe needs improving, but currently I don't know when we can enable what :) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "^.*i[1-9]86.*$") set(png_asm_tmp ON) else() set(png_asm_tmp OFF) endif() # SET LIBNAME set(PNG_LIB_NAME "png${PNGLIB_MAJOR}${PNGLIB_MINOR}") # OUR SOURCES set(libpng_sources png.h pngconf.h png.c pngerror.c pngget.c pngmem.c pngpread.c pngread.c pngrio.c pngrtran.c pngrutil.c pngset.c pngtrans.c pngwio.c pngwrite.c pngwtran.c pngwutil.c ) set(pngtest_sources pngtest.c ) # SOME NEEDED DEFINITIONS add_definitions(-DPNG_CONFIGURE_LIBPNG) add_definitions(-DZLIB_DLL) add_definitions(-DLIBPNG_NO_MMX) add_definitions(-DPNG_NO_MMX_CODE) if(PNG_CONSOLE_IO_SUPPORTED) add_definitions(-DPNG_CONSOLE_IO_SUPPORTED) endif() if(PNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO) add_definitions(-DPNG_NO_CONSOLE_IO) endif() if(PNG_NO_STDIO) add_definitions(-DPNG_NO_STDIO) endif() if(PNG_DEBUG) add_definitions(-DPNG_DEBUG) endif() if(NOT M_LIBRARY) add_definitions(-DPNG_NO_FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORTED) endif() # NOW BUILD OUR TARGET add_library("${PNG_LIB_NAME}" SHARED ${libpng_sources}) target_link_libraries("${PNG_LIB_NAME}" "${ZLIB_LIBRARY}" "${M_LIBRARY}") target_include_directories("${PNG_LIB_NAME}" PUBLIC "$") foreach(zlib_include_dir IN LISTS ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS) target_include_directories("${PNG_LIB_NAME}" PUBLIC "$") endforeach() # SET UP LINKS set_target_properties("${PNG_LIB_NAME}" PROPERTIES # VERSION 0.${PNGLIB_RELEASE}.1.2.59 VERSION "0.${PNGLIB_RELEASE}.0" SOVERSION 0 CLEAN_DIRECT_OUTPUT 1)