#include #include #include static int32_t get_game_type(__attribute__((unused)) int32_t level_data) { return 0; } static uint32_t can_spawn_mobs(__attribute__((unused)) int32_t obj) { return 1; } #include typedef void (*releaseUsingItem_t)(unsigned char *t, unsigned char *player); static releaseUsingItem_t survival_releaseUsingItem = (releaseUsingItem_t) 0x1a598; static releaseUsingItem_t creative_releaseUsingItem = (releaseUsingItem_t) 0x1b1a0; typedef void (*handle_input_t)(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *); static handle_input_t handle_input = (handle_input_t) 0x15ffc; static void *handle_input_original = NULL; static int is_survival = 0; static void handle_input_injection(unsigned char *param_1, unsigned char *param_2, unsigned char *param_3, unsigned char *param_4) { // Call Original Method revert_overwrite((void *) handle_input, handle_input_original); (*handle_input)(param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4); revert_overwrite((void *) handle_input, handle_input_original); // GameMode Is Offset From param_1 By 0x160 // Player Is Offset From param_1 By 0x18c int using_item = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL) & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT); if (!using_item) { unsigned char *game_mode = *(unsigned char **) (param_1 + 0x160); unsigned char *player = *(unsigned char **) (param_1 + 0x18c); if (player != NULL && game_mode != NULL) { (*(is_survival ? survival_releaseUsingItem : creative_releaseUsingItem))(game_mode, player); } } } typedef void (*tickItemDrop_t)(unsigned char *); static tickItemDrop_t tickItemDrop = (tickItemDrop_t) 0x27778; static void *tickItemDrop_original = NULL; #include static void tickItemDrop_injection(unsigned char *this) { if (SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_QUERY) == SDL_ENABLE) { revert_overwrite((void *) tickItemDrop, tickItemDrop_original); (*tickItemDrop)(this); revert_overwrite((void *) tickItemDrop, tickItemDrop_original); } } typedef void (*handleClick_t)(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *); static handleClick_t handleClick = (handleClick_t) 0x2599c; static void *handleClick_original = NULL; static void handleClick_injection(unsigned char *this, unsigned char *param_2, unsigned char *param_3, unsigned char *param_4) { if (SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_QUERY) == SDL_ENABLE) { revert_overwrite((void *) handleClick, handleClick_original); (*handleClick)(this, param_2, param_3, param_4); revert_overwrite((void *) handleClick, handleClick_original); } } static int has_feature(const char *name) { char *env = getenv("MCPI_FEATURES"); char *features = strdup(env != NULL ? env : ""); char *tok = strtok(features, "|"); int ret = 0; while (tok != NULL) { if (strcmp(tok, name) == 0) { ret = 1; break; } tok = strtok(NULL, "|"); } free(features); fprintf(stderr, "Feature: %s: %s\n", name, ret ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); return ret; } // Defined In extra.cpp extern unsigned char *readAssetFile(unsigned char *app_platform, unsigned char *path); extern void openTextEdit(unsigned char *local_player, unsigned char *sign); __attribute__((constructor)) static void init() { if (has_feature("Touch GUI")) { // Use Touch UI unsigned char patch_data[4] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x50, 0xe3}; patch((void *) 0x292fc, patch_data); } is_survival = has_feature("Survival Mode"); if (is_survival) { // Survival Mode Inventpry UI unsigned char patch_data_2[4] = {0x00, 0x30, 0xa0, 0xe3}; patch((void *) 0x16efc, patch_data_2); // Replace Creative Mode VTable With Survival Mode VTable patch((void *) 0x1a0d8, (unsigned char *) 0x1b804); // Use Correct Size For Survival Mode Object unsigned char patch_data_3[4] = {0x24, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xe3}; patch((void *) 0x1a054, patch_data_3); // Force GameType To 0 (Required For Day-Night Cycle) overwrite((void *) 0xbabdc, get_game_type); } // Disable Item Dropping When Cursor Is Hidden tickItemDrop_original = overwrite((void *) tickItemDrop, tickItemDrop_injection); // Disable Opening Inventory Using The Cursor When Cursor Is Hidden handleClick_original = overwrite((void *) handleClick, handleClick_injection); if (has_feature("Fix Bow & Arrow")) { // Fix Bow handle_input_original = overwrite((void *) handle_input, handle_input_injection); } if (has_feature("Fix Attacking")) { // Allow Attacking Mobs unsigned char patch_data_6[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; patch((void *) 0x162d4, patch_data_6); } if (has_feature("Mob Spawning")) { // Enable Mob Spawning overwrite((void *) 0xbabec, can_spawn_mobs); } // Replace CreatorLevel With ServerLevel (This Fixes Beds And Mob Spawning) unsigned char patch_data_4[4] = {0x68, 0x7e, 0x01, 0xeb}; patch((void *) 0x16f84, patch_data_4); // Allocate Correct Size For ServerLevel unsigned char patch_data_5[4] = {0x94, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00}; patch((void *) 0x17004, patch_data_5); // Implement AppPlatform::readAssetFile So Translations Work overwrite((void *) 0x12b10, readAssetFile); if (has_feature("Show Clouds")) { // Show Clouds unsigned char patch_data_8[4] = {0x01, 0x30, 0xa0, 0xe3}; patch((void *) 0x49fcc, patch_data_8); } }