# ModUpdater A simple Minecraft mod updater. Created For [ModFest 1.16](https://modfest.net/1.16) **NOTE:** This is only able to scan mods that have opted-in! ## Mod Users Go to the Mod Menu and click the configure icon for ModUpdater to view available updates. ## Mod Developers Both ```fabric.mod.json``` and ```build.gradle``` must be modified to opt-in to ModUpdater. ### ```fabric.mod.json``` **Maven** ```json { "custom": { "modupdater": { "strategy": "maven", "repository": "https://maven.fabricmc.net", "group": "net.fabricmc.fabric-api", "artifact": "fabric-api" } } } ``` **CurseForge** ```json { "custom": { "modupdater": { "strategy": "curseforge", "projectID": 306612 } } } ``` **GitHub Releases** ```json { "custom": { "modupdater": { "strategy": "github", "owner": "Repository Owner", "repository": "Repository Name" } } } ``` ### ```build.gradle``` To properly detect the version of a file, the Minecraft version must be appended to the file name. Replace: ```gradle version = project.mod_version ``` with your preferred format's code from the table below: | Format | Example | Code | | --- | --- | --- | | ```+``` (recommended) | ```thing-1.0.0+1.16.1.jar``` | ```version = "${project.mod_version}+${project.minecraft_version}"``` | | ```-``` | ```thing-1.0.0-1.16.1.jar``` | ```version = "${project.mod_version}-${project.minecraft_version}"``` | | ```+``` | ```thing-1.0.0-1.16.jar``` | ```version = "${project.mod_version}+${project.minecraft_major_version}"``` | | ```-``` | ```thing-1.0.0-1.16.jar``` | ```version = "${project.mod_version}-${project.minecraft_major_version}"``` | When using a format using the Minecraft major version (specified as ``````), ```minecraft_mjaor_version``` must be specified in ```gradle.properties```, for instance ```minecraft_major_version = 1.16```. ## Changelog [View Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## Credits - The icon was created by ``ProspectorDev`` - The GitHub Releases strategy was written by ``AppleTheGolden``