2024-05-05 01:03:43 -04:00

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extends LevelSource;
vtable 0x10fcf0;
method void saveLevelData() = 0xa2e94;
method void setTile(int x, int y, int z, int id) = 0xa3904;
method void setTileNoUpdate(int x, int y, int z, int id) = 0xa342c;
method void setData(int x, int y, int z, int data) = 0xa394c;
method void setDataNoUpdate(int x, int y, int z, int data) = 0xa3480;
method void setTileAndData(int x, int y, int z, int id, int data) = 0xa38b4;
method void setTileAndDataNoUpdate(int x, int y, int z, int id, int data) = 0xa33d0;
// Calls setTileDirty and updateNearbyTiles
method void tileUpdated(int x, int y, int z, int id) = 0xa387c;
method void setTileDirty(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa3508;
// Calls neighborChanged for all adjacent tiles
method void updateNearbyTiles(int x, int y, int z, int id) = 0xa36cc;
method void neighborChanged(int x, int y, int z, int id) = 0xa3658;
// clip_liquids and clip_hitboxes default to true
// If clip_hitboxes is true it will ignore blocks that have their getAABB return NULL
method HitResult clip(uchar *param_1, uchar *param_2, bool clip_liquids, bool clip_hitboxes) = 0xa3db0;
// Valid particles are crit, flame, lava, smoke, largesmoke, reddust, snowballpoof, and explode
// There is also bubble which only works under water and ironcrack which will crash the game
method void addParticle(std::string *particle, float x, float y, float z, float deltaX, float deltaY, float deltaZ, int count) = 0xa449c;
method Entity *getEntity(int id) = 0xa45a4;
method bool addEntity(Entity *entity) = 0xa7cbc;
method int getBrightness2(LightLayer *layer, int x, int y, int z) = 0xa3c70;
method int getRawBrightness(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa3b70;
// See mods/src/sound/repository.cpp for a list of sounds
method void playSound(Entity *entity, std::string *name, float volume, float pitch) = 0xa42a8;
// Searches aabb for entities, ignores the entity "ignore", overwrites the same vector each time
method std::vector<Entity*> *getEntities(Entity *ignore, AABB *aabb) = 0xa5a4c;
// Searches aabb for entities of type type_id, adds then to buff, returns the number of entities added
method int getEntitiesOfType(int type_id, AABB *aabb, std::vector<Entity*> *buff) = 0xa612c;
// Searches aabb for entities of base type base_type, adds then to buff, returns the number of entities added
method int getEntitiesOfClass(int base_type, AABB *aabb, std::vector<Entity*> *buff) = 0xa6240;
// This will implicitly make the tile entity if the tile at x, y, z doesn't have one and is an EntityTile
method TileEntity *getTileEntity(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa55d4;
method void setTileEntity(int x, int y, int z, TileEntity *tileEntity) = 0xa7b58;
method void removeTileEntity(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa7aac;
method void animateTick(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa5920;
method void addToTickNextTick(int x, int y, int z, int id, int delay) = 0xa7428;
// Called by trapdoors, doors, and tnt
method bool hasNeighborSignal(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa5f08;
// Called by hasNeighborSignal
method bool getSignal(int x, int y, int z, int direction) = 0xa5e6c;
// Called by getSignal
method bool hasDirectSignal(int x, int y, int z) = 0xa5d88;
// Called by hasDirectSignal
method bool getDirectSignal(int x, int y, int z, int direction) = 0xa5d2c;
virtual-method void tick() = 0x28;
virtual-method void updateSleepingPlayerList() = 0x2c;
virtual-method ChunkCache *createChunkSource() = 0x30;
property bool is_client_side = 0x11;
property bool done_generating = 0x12;
property std::vector<Entity *> entities = 0x20;
property std::vector<TileEntity *> tileentities = 0x50;
property std::vector<Player *> players = 0x60;
property Dimension *dimension = 0x74;
property bool no_update = 0x70;
property ChunkSource *chunk_source = 0xa5c;
property LevelData data = 0xa64;