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- Made CUSTOM_VTABLE not static, for modders
2024-03-08 18:03:19 -05:00

13 lines
501 B

extends FillingContainer;
method void selectSlot(int slot) = 0x8d13c;
// It's just FillingContainer_getLinked but with selectedSlot as slot
method ItemInstance *getSelected() = 0x8d134;
// It's just FillingContainer_linkSlot with selectedSlot as linked_slot
method bool moveToSelectedSlot(int unlinked_slot, bool push_aside) = 0x8d148;
method void setupDefault() = 0x8d164;
method void clearInventoryWithDefault() = 0x8e7c8;
method void clearInventory() = 0x92b84;
property int selectedSlot = 0x28;