564 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-10-03 05:17:12 -04:00
#include <cmath>
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
#include <libreborn/libreborn.h>
#include <symbols/minecraft.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <media-layer/core.h>
#include <mods/feature/feature.h>
#include <mods/multidraw/multidraw.h>
#include "misc-internal.h"
// Properly Generate Buffers
static void anGenBuffers_injection(__attribute__((unused)) Common_anGenBuffers_t original, const int32_t count, uint32_t *buffers) {
if (!reborn_is_headless()) {
glGenBuffers(count, buffers);
// Custom Outline Color
static void LevelRenderer_render_AABB_glColor4f_injection(__attribute__((unused)) GLfloat red, __attribute__((unused)) GLfloat green, __attribute__((unused)) GLfloat blue, __attribute__((unused)) GLfloat alpha) {
// Set Color
glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
// Find Line Width
const char *custom_line_width = getenv(MCPI_BLOCK_OUTLINE_WIDTH_ENV);
float line_width;
if (custom_line_width != nullptr) {
// Custom
line_width = strtof(custom_line_width, nullptr);
} else {
// Guess
line_width = 1.5f / Gui::InvGuiScale;
// Clamp Line Width
float range[2];
if (range[1] < line_width) {
line_width = range[1];
} else if (range[0] > line_width) {
line_width = range[0];
// Set Line Width
// Java Light Ramp
static void Dimension_updateLightRamp_injection(__attribute__((unused)) Dimension_updateLightRamp_t original, Dimension *self) {
// https://github.com/ReMinecraftPE/mcpe/blob/d7a8b6baecf8b3b050538abdbc976f690312aa2d/source/world/level/Dimension.cpp#L92-L105
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
const float f1 = 1.0f - (((float) i) / 15.0f);
self->light_ramp[i] = ((1.0f - f1) / (f1 * 3.0f + 1.0f)) * (1.0f - 0.1f) + 0.1f;
// Default Light Ramp:
// float fVar4 = 1.0 - ((float) i * 0.0625);
// self->light_ramp[i] = ((1.0 - fVar4) / (fVar4 * 3.0 + 1.0)) * 0.95 + 0.15;
// Sort Chunks
struct chunk_data {
Chunk *chunk;
float distance;
#define MAX_CHUNKS_SIZE 24336
static chunk_data data[MAX_CHUNKS_SIZE];
static void sort_chunks(Chunk **chunks_begin, Chunk **chunks_end, const DistanceChunkSorter sorter) {
// Calculate Distances
const int chunks_size = chunks_end - chunks_begin;
if (chunks_size > MAX_CHUNKS_SIZE) {
for (int i = 0; i < chunks_size; i++) {
Chunk *chunk = chunks_begin[i];
float distance = chunk->distanceToSqr((Entity *) sorter.mob);
if ((1024.0 <= distance) && chunk->y < 0x40) {
distance *= 10.0;
data[i].chunk = chunk;
data[i].distance = distance;
// Sort
std::sort(data, data + chunks_size, [](chunk_data &a, chunk_data &b) {
return a.distance < b.distance;
for (int i = 0; i < chunks_size; i++) {
chunks_begin[i] = data[i].chunk;
// Fire Rendering
2024-10-03 20:29:24 -04:00
static void render_fire(EntityRenderer *self, Entity *entity, const float x, float y, const float z) {
// Check If Entity Is On Fire
if (!entity->isOnFire()) {
// Here Be Decompiled Code
y -= entity->height_offset;
const int texture = Tile::fire->texture;
const int xt = (texture & 0xf) << 4;
const int yt = texture & 0xf0;
glTranslatef(x, y, z);
const float s = entity->hitbox_width * 1.4f;
glScalef(s, s, s);
Tesselator &t = Tesselator::instance;
float r = 0.5f;
float h = entity->hitbox_height / s;
float yo = entity->y - entity->height_offset - entity->hitbox.y1;
float player_rot_y = EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->player_rot_y;
if (EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->minecraft->options.third_person == 2) {
// Handle Front-Facing
player_rot_y -= 180.f;
glRotatef(-player_rot_y, 0, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.3f + float(int(h)) * 0.02f);
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
float zo = 0;
int ss = 0;
while (h > 0) {
constexpr float xo = 0.0f;
float u0;
float u1;
float v0;
float v1;
if (ss % 2 == 0) {
u0 = float(xt) / 256.0f;
u1 = (float(xt) + 15.99f) / 256.0f;
v0 = float(yt) / 256.0f;
v1 = (float(yt) + 15.99f) / 256.0f;
} else {
u0 = float(xt) / 256.0f;
u1 = (float(xt) + 15.99f) / 256.0f;
v0 = (float(yt) + 16) / 256.0f;
v1 = (float(yt) + 16 + 15.99f) / 256.0f;
if (ss / 2 % 2 == 0) {
std::swap(u1, u0);
t.vertexUV(r - xo, 0 - yo, zo, u1, v1);
t.vertexUV(-r - xo, 0 - yo, zo, u0, v1);
t.vertexUV(-r - xo, 1.4f - yo, zo, u0, v0);
t.vertexUV(r - xo, 1.4f - yo, zo, u1, v0);
h -= 0.45f;
yo -= 0.45f;
r *= 0.9f;
zo += 0.03f;
// Entity Shadows
static void render_shadow_tile(Tile *tile, const float x, const float y, const float z, int xt, int yt, int zt, const float pow, const float r, const float xo, const float yo, const float zo) {
Tesselator &t = Tesselator::instance;
if (!tile->isCubeShaped()) {
float a = ((pow - (y - (float(yt) + yo)) / 2) * 0.5f) * EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->level->getBrightness(xt, yt, zt);
if (a < 0) {
} else if (a > 1) {
a = 1;
t.color(255, 255, 255, int(a * 255));
float x0 = float(xt) + tile->x1 + xo;
float x1 = float(xt) + tile->x2 + xo;
float y0 = float(yt) + tile->y1 + yo + 1.0f / 64.0f;
float z0 = float(zt) + tile->z1 + zo;
float z1 = float(zt) + tile->z2 + zo;
float u0 = (x - x0) / 2 / r + 0.5f;
float u1 = (x - x1) / 2 / r + 0.5f;
float v0 = (z - z0) / 2 / r + 0.5f;
float v1 = (z - z1) / 2 / r + 0.5f;
t.vertexUV(x0, y0, z0, u0, v0);
t.vertexUV(x0, y0, z1, u0, v1);
t.vertexUV(x1, y0, z1, u1, v1);
t.vertexUV(x1, y0, z0, u1, v0);
static void render_shadow(const EntityRenderer *self, Entity *entity, float x, float y, float z, const float a) {
// Calculate Power
float pow = 0;
if (self->shadow_radius > 0) {
const float dist = EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->distanceToSqr(entity->x, entity->y, entity->z);
pow = (1 - dist / (16.0f * 16.0f)) * self->shadow_strength;
if (pow <= 0) {
// Render
Textures *textures = EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->textures;
Level *level = EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->level;
const float r = self->shadow_radius;
const float ex = entity->old_x + (entity->x - entity->old_x) * a;
float ey = entity->old_y + (entity->y - entity->old_y) * a + entity->getShadowHeightOffs() - entity->height_offset;
const float ez = entity->old_z + (entity->z - entity->old_z) * a;
const int x0 = Mth::floor(ex - r);
const int x1 = Mth::floor(ex + r);
const int y0 = Mth::floor(ey - r);
const int y1 = Mth::floor(ey);
const int z0 = Mth::floor(ez - r);
const int z1 = Mth::floor(ez + r);
const float xo = x - ex;
const float yo = y - ey;
const float zo = z - ez;
Tesselator &tt = Tesselator::instance;
for (int xt = x0; xt <= x1; xt++) {
for (int yt = y0; yt <= y1; yt++) {
for (int zt = z0; zt <= z1; zt++) {
const int t = level->getTile(xt, yt - 1, zt);
if (t > 0 && level->getRawBrightness(xt, yt, zt) > 3) {
x, y + entity->getShadowHeightOffs() - entity->height_offset, z,
xt, yt, zt,
pow, r,
xo, yo + entity->getShadowHeightOffs() - entity->height_offset, zo
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
static void EntityRenderDispatcher_assign_injection(EntityRenderDispatcher_assign_t original, EntityRenderDispatcher *self, const uchar entity_id, EntityRenderer *renderer) {
// Modify Shadow Size
float new_radius;
switch (entity_id) {
case 16:
case 3: {
new_radius = 0.5f;
case 9:
case 7:
case 8: {
new_radius = 0.7f;
case 6: {
new_radius = 0.3f;
default: {
new_radius = renderer->shadow_radius;
renderer->shadow_radius = new_radius;
// Call Original Method
original(self, entity_id, renderer);
// Modify Entity Rendering
static bool should_render_fire;
static bool should_render_shadows;
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static void EntityRenderDispatcher_render_EntityRenderer_render_injection(EntityRenderer *self, Entity *entity, float x, float y, float z, float rot, float unknown) {
// Call Original Method
self->render(entity, x, y, z, rot, unknown);
2024-10-03 20:29:24 -04:00
// Render Shadow
if (should_render_shadows) {
render_shadow(self, entity, x, y, z, unknown);
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
// Render Fire
2024-10-03 20:29:24 -04:00
if (should_render_fire) {
render_fire(self, entity, x, y, z);
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
// Nicer Water Rendering
static bool game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[4];
static void GameRenderer_render_glColorMask_injection(const bool red, const bool green, const bool blue, const bool alpha) {
game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[0] = red;
game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[1] = green;
game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[2] = blue;
game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[3] = alpha;
glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha);
static int GameRenderer_render_LevelRenderer_render_injection(LevelRenderer *self, Mob *mob, int param_1, float delta) {
glColorMask(false, false, false, false);
const int water_chunks = self->render(mob, param_1, delta);
glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
if (self->minecraft->options.anaglyph_3d) {
glColorMask(game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[0], game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[1], game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[2], game_render_anaglyph_color_mask[3]);
if (water_chunks > 0) {
LevelRenderer_renderSameAsLast(self, delta);
return water_chunks;
// Fix grass_carried's Bottom Texture
static int CarriedTile_getTexture2_injection(CarriedTile_getTexture2_t original, CarriedTile *self, const int face, const int metadata) {
if (face == 0) return 2;
return original(self, face, metadata);
// Fix Graphics Bug When Switching To First-Person While Sneaking
static void PlayerRenderer_render_injection(PlayerRenderer *model_renderer, Entity *entity, const float param_2, const float param_3, const float param_4, const float param_5, const float param_6) {
HumanoidMobRenderer_vtable_base->render((HumanoidMobRenderer *) model_renderer, entity, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5, param_6);
HumanoidModel *model = model_renderer->model;
model->is_sneaking = false;
// 3D Chests
static int32_t Tile_getRenderShape_injection(Tile *tile) {
if (tile == Tile::chest) {
// Don't Render "Simple" Chest Model
return -1;
} else {
// Call Original Method
return tile->getRenderShape();
static ChestTileEntity *ChestTileEntity_injection(ChestTileEntity_constructor_t original, ChestTileEntity *tile_entity) {
// Call Original Method
// Enable Renderer
tile_entity->renderer_id = 1;
// Return
return tile_entity;
static bool is_rendering_chest = false;
static void ModelPart_render_injection(ModelPart *model_part, float scale) {
// Start
is_rendering_chest = true;
// Call Original Method
// Stop
is_rendering_chest = false;
static void Tesselator_vertexUV_injection(Tesselator_vertexUV_t original, Tesselator *tesselator, const float x, const float y, const float z, const float u, float v) {
// Fix Chest Texture
if (is_rendering_chest) {
v /= 2;
// Call Original Method
original(tesselator, x, y, z, u, v);
static bool ChestTileEntity_shouldSave_injection(__attribute__((unused)) ChestTileEntity_shouldSave_t original, __attribute__((unused)) ChestTileEntity *tile_entity) {
return true;
// Animated 3D Chest
static ContainerMenu *ContainerMenu_injection(ContainerMenu_constructor_t original, ContainerMenu *container_menu, Container *container, const int32_t param_1) {
// Call Original Method
original(container_menu, container, param_1);
// Play Animation
const ChestTileEntity *tile_entity = (ChestTileEntity *) (((unsigned char *) container) - offsetof(ChestTileEntity, container));
const bool is_client = tile_entity->is_client;
if (!is_client) {
// Return
return container_menu;
static ContainerMenu *ContainerMenu_destructor_injection(ContainerMenu_destructor_complete_t original, ContainerMenu *container_menu) {
// Play Animation
Container *container = container_menu->container;
const ChestTileEntity *tile_entity = (ChestTileEntity *) (((unsigned char *) container) - offsetof(ChestTileEntity, container));
const bool is_client = tile_entity->is_client;
if (!is_client) {
// Call Original Method
return original(container_menu);
2024-10-03 05:17:12 -04:00
// 3D Dropped Items
static bool disable_hand_positioning = false;
static void ItemInHandRenderer_renderItem_glTranslatef_injection(const float x, const float y, const float z) {
if (disable_hand_positioning) {
} else {
glTranslatef(x, y, z);
static void ItemRenderer_render_injection(ItemRenderer_render_t original, ItemRenderer *self, Entity *entity, const float x, const float y, const float z, const float a, const float b) {
// Get Item
const ItemEntity *item_entity = (ItemEntity *) entity;
ItemInstance item = item_entity->item;
// Check If Item Is Tile
if (item.id < 256 && TileRenderer::canRender(Tile::tiles[item.id]->getRenderShape())) {
// Call Original Method
original(self, entity, x, y, z, a, b);
} else {
// 3D Item
// Count
int count;
if (item.count < 2) {
count = 1;
} else if (item.count < 16) {
count = 2;
} else if (item.count < 32) {
count = 3;
} else {
count = 4;
// Bob
const float age = float(item_entity->age) + b;
const float bob = (Mth::sin((age / 10.0f) + item_entity->bob_offset) * 0.1f) + 0.1f;
glTranslatef(x, y + bob, z);
// Scale
glScalef(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
// Spin
const float spin = ((age / 20.0f) + item_entity->bob_offset) * float(180.0f / M_PI);
glRotatef(spin, 0, 1, 0);
// Position
constexpr float xo = 0.5f;
constexpr float yo = 0.25f;
constexpr float width = 1 / 16.0f;
constexpr float margin = 0.35f / 16.0f;
constexpr float zo = width + margin;
glTranslatef(-xo, -yo, -((zo * float(count)) / 2));
// Draw
disable_hand_positioning = true;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
glTranslatef(0, 0, zo);
EntityRenderer::entityRenderDispatcher->item_renderer->renderItem(nullptr, &item);
disable_hand_positioning = false;
// Finish
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
// Init
void _init_misc_graphics() {
// Disable V-Sync
if (feature_has("Disable V-Sync", server_enabled)) {
// Force EGL
if (feature_has("Force EGL", server_disabled)) {
// Properly Generate Buffers
if (feature_has("Proper OpenGL Buffer Generation", server_enabled)) {
overwrite_calls(Common_anGenBuffers, anGenBuffers_injection);
// Replace Block Highlight With Outline
if (feature_has("Replace Block Highlight With Outline", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_calls(LevelRenderer_renderHitSelect, [](__attribute__((unused)) LevelRenderer_renderHitSelect_t original, LevelRenderer *self, Player *player, const HitResult &hit_result, int i, void *vp, float f) {
self->renderHitOutline(player, hit_result, i, vp, f);
unsigned char fix_outline_patch[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; // "nop"
patch((void *) 0x4d830, fix_outline_patch);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x4d764, (void *) LevelRenderer_render_AABB_glColor4f_injection);
2024-09-23 18:52:15 -04:00
// Properly Hide Block Outline
if (feature_has("Hide Block Outline When GUI Is Hidden", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_calls(LevelRenderer_renderHitSelect, [](LevelRenderer_renderHitSelect_t original, LevelRenderer *self, Player *player, const HitResult &hit_result, const int i, void *vp, const float f) {
if (!self->minecraft->options.hide_gui) {
original(self, player, hit_result, i, vp, f);
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
// Java Light Ramp
if (feature_has("Use Java Beta 1.3 Light Ramp", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_calls(Dimension_updateLightRamp, Dimension_updateLightRamp_injection);
// Replace 2011 std::sort With Optimized(TM) Code
if (feature_has("Optimized Chunk Sorting", server_enabled)) {
overwrite_calls_manual((void *) 0x51fac, (void *) sort_chunks);
2024-10-03 20:29:24 -04:00
// Modify Entity Rendering
overwrite_call((void *) 0x606c0, (void *) EntityRenderDispatcher_render_EntityRenderer_render_injection);
should_render_fire = feature_has("Render Fire In Third-Person", server_disabled);
should_render_shadows = feature_has("Render Entity Shadows", server_disabled);
if (should_render_shadows) {
overwrite_calls(EntityRenderDispatcher_assign, EntityRenderDispatcher_assign_injection);
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
// Slightly Nicer Water Rendering
if (feature_has("Improved Water Rendering", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_call((void *) 0x49ed4, (void *) GameRenderer_render_glColorMask_injection);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x4a18c, (void *) GameRenderer_render_LevelRenderer_render_injection);
unsigned char nop_patch[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; // "nop"
patch((void *) 0x4a12c, nop_patch);
// Fix grass_carried's Bottom Texture
if (feature_has("Fix Carried Grass's Bottom Texture", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_calls(CarriedTile_getTexture2, CarriedTile_getTexture2_injection);
// Fix Graphics Bug When Switching To First-Person While Sneaking
if (feature_has("Fix Switching Perspective While Sneaking", server_disabled)) {
patch_vtable(PlayerRenderer_render, PlayerRenderer_render_injection);
// 3D Chests
if (feature_has("3D Chest Model", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_call((void *) 0x5e830, (void *) Tile_getRenderShape_injection);
overwrite_calls(ChestTileEntity_constructor, ChestTileEntity_injection);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x6655c, (void *) ModelPart_render_injection);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x66568, (void *) ModelPart_render_injection);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x66574, (void *) ModelPart_render_injection);
overwrite_calls(Tesselator_vertexUV, Tesselator_vertexUV_injection);
unsigned char chest_model_patch[4] = {0x13, 0x20, 0xa0, 0xe3}; // "mov r2, #0x13"
patch((void *) 0x66fc8, chest_model_patch);
unsigned char chest_color_patch[4] = {0x00, 0xf0, 0x20, 0xe3}; // "nop"
patch((void *) 0x66404, chest_color_patch);
// Animation
overwrite_calls(ContainerMenu_constructor, ContainerMenu_injection);
overwrite_calls(ContainerMenu_destructor_complete, ContainerMenu_destructor_injection);
if (feature_has("Always Save Chest Tile Entities", server_enabled)) {
overwrite_calls(ChestTileEntity_shouldSave, ChestTileEntity_shouldSave_injection);
2024-10-03 05:17:12 -04:00
// 3D Dropped Items
if (feature_has("3D Dropped Items", server_disabled)) {
overwrite_calls(ItemRenderer_render, ItemRenderer_render_injection);
overwrite_call((void *) 0x4bf34, (void *) ItemInHandRenderer_renderItem_glTranslatef_injection);
2024-08-25 17:06:12 -04:00
// Don't Render Game In Headless Mode
if (reborn_is_headless()) {
overwrite_calls(GameRenderer_render, nop<GameRenderer_render_t, GameRenderer *, float>);
overwrite_calls(NinecraftApp_initGLStates, nop<NinecraftApp_initGLStates_t, NinecraftApp *>);
overwrite_calls(Gui_onConfigChanged, nop<Gui_onConfigChanged_t, Gui *, const Config &>);
overwrite_calls(LevelRenderer_generateSky, nop<LevelRenderer_generateSky_t, LevelRenderer *>);