Network Chips: - Contain a Network ID In NBT - When Held, Highlights Supported Blocks - When Right-Cliking On A Supported-Block Add it To The Network Energy Recievers: - Conatin network ID(s) - Requests a certain amount of power every tick - Spreads out power ewuest over all networks - Chunk loads unloaded networks - No energy transfer speed restrictions Energy Providers: - Contaisn Network Chip - Can only provide power to recievers within 60 blocks - Can be an energy reciever Battery: - Surrounded on all but one sides by Battery casing, last side covered by battery controller - Energy reiever for charging - Energy prvodier for usage - Highlight covers entire multi-block Reactor: - Temporary battery - Refreshes battery every 10 ticks, no fuel set battery to 0, if fuel fill battery On each tick an energy receiver can add an "action", an action has a success function, a fail function, and a cost, the action is propagated up to the energy provider, which will either execute the success function and deduct the energy amount, or execute the fail function.