
219 lines
6.6 KiB

#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <libreborn/libreborn.h>
#include "bootstrap.h"
#include "ldconfig.h"
// Set Environmental Variable
{ \
char *original_env_value = getenv(name); \
if (original_env_value != NULL) { \
setenv("ORIGINAL_" name, original_env_value, 1); \
} \
static void trim(char **value) {
// Remove Trailing Colon
int length = strlen(*value);
if ((*value)[length - 1] == ':') {
(*value)[length - 1] = '\0';
if ((*value)[0] == ':') {
*value = &(*value)[1];
static void set_and_print_env(const char *name, char *value) {
// Set Variable With No Trailing Colon
#ifdef DEBUG
// Print New Value
INFO("Set %s = %s", name, value);
// Set The Value
setenv(name, value, 1);
// Get Environmental Variable
static char *get_env_safe(const char *name) {
// Get Variable Or Blank String If Not Set
char *ret = getenv(name);
return ret != NULL ? ret : "";
// Get All Mods In Folder
static void load(char **ld_preload, char *folder) {
int folder_name_length = strlen(folder);
// Retry Until Successful
while (1) {
// Open Folder
DIR *dp = opendir(folder);
if (dp != NULL) {
// Loop Through Folder
struct dirent *entry = NULL;
errno = 0;
while (1) {
errno = 0;
entry = readdir(dp);
if (entry != NULL) {
// Check If File Is Regular
if (entry->d_type == DT_REG) {
// Get Full Name
int name_length = strlen(entry->d_name);
int total_length = folder_name_length + name_length;
char name[total_length + 1];
// Concatenate Folder Name And File Name
for (int i = 0; i < folder_name_length; i++) {
name[i] = folder[i];
for (int i = 0; i < name_length; i++) {
name[folder_name_length + i] = entry->d_name[i];
// Add Terminator
name[total_length] = '\0';
// Check If File Is Executable
int result = access(name, R_OK);
if (result == 0) {
string_append(ld_preload, ":%s", name);
} else if (result == -1 && errno != 0) {
// Fail
INFO("Unable To Acesss: %s: %s", name, strerror(errno));
errno = 0;
} else if (errno != 0) {
// Error Reading Contents Of Folder
ERR("Error Reading Directory: %s: %s", folder, strerror(errno));
} else {
// Done!
// Close Folder
// Exit Function
} else if (errno == ENOENT) {
// Folder Doesn't Exists, Attempt Creation
int ret = mkdir(folder, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
if (ret != 0) {
// Unable To Create Folder
ERR("Error Creating Directory: %s: %s", folder, strerror(errno));
// Continue Retrying
} else {
// Unable To Open Folder
ERR("Error Opening Directory: %s: %s", folder, strerror(errno));
#define MCPI_NAME "minecraft-pi"
// Bootstrap
void bootstrap(int argc, char *argv[]) {
INFO("%s", "Configuring Game...");
// Get Binary Directory
char *binary_directory = get_binary_directory();
setenv("MCPI_ROOT_PATH", binary_directory, 1);
// Configure LD_LIBRARY_PATH
// Add Library Directory
char *new_ld_path;
safe_asprintf(&new_ld_path, "%s/lib", binary_directory);
// Add Existing LD_LIBRAR_PATH
char *value = get_env_safe("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
if (strlen(value) > 0) {
string_append(&new_ld_path, ":%s", value);
// Load ARM Libraries
#ifdef __ARM_ARCH
string_append(&new_ld_path, "%s", ":/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf:/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib");
// Add Full Library Search Path
char *value = get_full_library_search_path();
if (strlen(value) > 0) {
string_append(&new_ld_path, ":%s", value);
// Add Fallback Library Directory
string_append(&new_ld_path, ":%s/fallback-lib", binary_directory);
// Set And Free
set_and_print_env("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", new_ld_path);
// Configure LD_PRELOAD
char *new_ld_preload = NULL;
safe_asprintf(&new_ld_preload, "%s", get_env_safe("LD_PRELOAD"));
// Get Mods Folder
char *mods_folder = NULL;
safe_asprintf(&mods_folder, "%s/mods/", binary_directory);
// Load Mods From ./mods
load(&new_ld_preload, mods_folder);
// Free Mods Folder
set_and_print_env("LD_PRELOAD", new_ld_preload);
// Start Game
INFO("%s", "Starting Game...");
// Use Correct LibC
#ifndef __ARM_ARCH
setenv("QEMU_LD_PREFIX", "/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf", 1);
// Select Executable Interpreter
#ifdef __ARM_ARCH
#define EXE_INTERPRETER "/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3"
// Use Static QEMU So It Isn't Affected By LD_* Variables
#define EXE_INTERPRETER "qemu-arm-static"
// Create Full Path
char *full_path = NULL;
safe_asprintf(&full_path, "%s/" MCPI_NAME, binary_directory);
// Free Binary Directory
// Create Arguments List
char *new_argv[argc + 2];
for (int i = 1; i <= argc; i++) {
new_argv[i + 1] = argv[i];
new_argv[0] = NULL; // Updated By safe_execvpe()
new_argv[1] = full_path; // Path To MCPI
// Run
safe_execvpe(EXE_INTERPRETER, new_argv, environ);