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TheBrokenRail 3fe89d2d95
All checks were successful
SorceryCraft/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Update Mappings
Tweak Teleport and Flame Spells
2020-03-19 23:06:38 -04:00

88 lines
2.7 KiB

package com.thebrokenrail.sorcerycraft.spell;
import com.thebrokenrail.sorcerycraft.spell.api.Spell;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundCategory;
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
public class TeleportSpell extends Spell {
public TeleportSpell(Identifier id, int level) {
super(id, level);
private int getMaxTeleport(World world) {
return world.getDimension().isNether() ? 128 : 256;
public void execute(World world, Entity source, Entity attacker, Entity target) {
int range = 16 + (8 * getLevel());
if (target instanceof LivingEntity) {
LivingEntity user = (LivingEntity) target;
if (!world.isClient()) {
double d = user.getX();
double e = user.getY();
double f = user.getZ();
for (int i = 0; i < range; ++i) {
double x = user.getX() + (user.getRandom().nextDouble() - 0.5D) * range;
double y = MathHelper.clamp(user.getY() + (double) (user.getRandom().nextInt(range) - (range / 2)), 0d, getMaxTeleport(world) - 1);
double z = user.getZ() + (user.getRandom().nextDouble() - 0.5D) * range;
if (user.hasVehicle()) {
if (user.teleport(x, y, z, true)) {
world.playSound(null, d, e, f, SoundEvents.ITEM_CHORUS_FRUIT_TELEPORT, SoundCategory.PLAYERS, 1.0F, 1.0F);
user.playSound(SoundEvents.ITEM_CHORUS_FRUIT_TELEPORT, 1.0F, 1.0F);
public int getXPCost() {
switch (getLevel()) {
case 0: {
return 12;
case 1: {
return 18;
case 2: {
return 24;
return -1;
public ItemStack getItemCost() {
switch (getLevel()) {
case 0: {
return new ItemStack(Items.ENDER_PEARL);
case 1: {
return new ItemStack(Items.CHORUS_FRUIT);
case 2: {
return new ItemStack(Items.CHORUS_FLOWER);
return ItemStack.EMPTY;
public int getMaxLevel() {
return 3;