package com.thebrokenrail.sorcerycraft.spell.registry; import com.thebrokenrail.sorcerycraft.spell.api.Spell; import net.minecraft.util.Identifier; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class SpellRegistry { private static final Map> spells = new HashMap<>(); public static Spell getSpell(Map.Entry entry) { return getSpell(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } public static Spell getSpell(Identifier id, int level) { if (!spells.containsKey(id)) { return null; } try { return (Spell) spells.get(id).getConstructor(Identifier.class, int.class).newInstance(id, level); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static int getMaxLevel(Identifier id) { Spell tempSpell = getSpell(id, 0); if (tempSpell == null) { return -1; } return tempSpell.getMaxLevel(); } public static Spell[] getSpells() { List out = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : spells.entrySet()) { int maxLevel = getMaxLevel(entry.getKey()); if (maxLevel == -1) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < maxLevel; i++) { Spell spell = getSpell(entry.getKey(), i); if (spell != null) { out.add(spell); } } } return out.toArray(new Spell[0]); } public static Spell[] getMaxSpells() { List out = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : spells.entrySet()) { int maxLevel = getMaxLevel(entry.getKey()); if (maxLevel == -1) { continue; } out.add(getSpell(entry.getKey(), maxLevel - 1)); } return out.toArray(new Spell[0]); } /** * Register a Spell * @param id The Spell ID * @param spell The Spell Class * @return The Spell ID */ public static Identifier register(Identifier id, Class spell) { spells.put(id, spell); return id; } public static Identifier[] getSpellsID() { return spells.keySet().toArray(new Identifier[0]); } }