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import { Identifier, Hand, ActionResult, Pos, Direction, SimpleRegistry } from './core';
import { World } from './world';
import { PlayerEntity, LivingEntity } from './entity';
import { CompoundTag } from './tag';
import { useBridge, addBridge } from 'scriptcraft-core';
* Item Stack
export class ItemStack {
* @internal
readonly javaObject: JavaObject;
* @internal
constructor(obj: JavaObject) {
this.javaObject = obj;
* Create Item Stack
* @param item Item ID
* @param count Item Count
static create(item: Identifier, count?: number): ItemStack {
const obj = useBridge('ItemStack.create', item.toString(), count ? count : 1) as JavaObject;
if (obj !== null) {
return new ItemStack(obj);
} else {
return null;
* Get Item ID
* @returns Item ID
getItem(): Identifier {
const obj = useBridge('ItemStack.getItem', this.javaObject) as string;
if (obj !== null) {
return new Identifier(obj);
} else {
return null;
* Get Custom Item
* @returns Custom Item
getCustomItem(): CustomItem {
return ItemRegistry.INSTANCE.get(this.getItem());
* Get Item Count
* @returns Item Count
getCount(): number {
return useBridge('ItemStack.getCount', this.javaObject) as number;
* Set Item Count
* @param count New Count
setCount(count: number): void {
useBridge('ItemStack.setCount', this.javaObject, count);
* Get Item Damage
* @returns Item Damage
getDamage(): number {
return useBridge('ItemStack.getDamage', this.javaObject) as number;
* Set Item Damage
* @param count New Damage
setDamage(damage: number): void {
useBridge('ItemStack.setDamage', this.javaObject, damage);
* Is Item Damageable
* @returns TRUE If Item Is Damageable, Otherwise FALSE
isDamageable(): boolean {
return useBridge('ItemStack.isDamageable', this.javaObject) as boolean;
* Get Item Tag
* @returns Item Tag
getTag(): CompoundTag {
const obj = useBridge('ItemStack.getTag', this.javaObject) as JavaObject;
if (obj !== null) {
return new CompoundTag(obj);
} else {
return null;
* Set Item Tag
* @param tag New Item Tag
setTag(tag: CompoundTag): void {
useBridge('ItemStack.setTag', this.javaObject, tag.javaObject);
* Convert To Tag
* @returns Item Tag
toTag(): CompoundTag {
const obj = useBridge('ItemStack.toTag', this.javaObject) as JavaObject;
if (obj !== null) {
return new CompoundTag(obj);
} else {
return null;
* Create From Tag
* @param tag Item Tag
* @returns Item Stack
static fromTag(tag: CompoundTag): ItemStack {
const obj = useBridge('ItemStack.fromTag', tag.javaObject) as JavaObject;
if (obj !== null) {
return new ItemStack(obj);
} else {
return null;
* Split Item Stack
* @param amount Amount
* @returns New Item Stack
split(amount: number): ItemStack {
const obj = useBridge('ItemStack.split', this.javaObject, amount) as JavaObject;
if (obj !== null) {
return new ItemStack(obj);
} else {
return null;
* Item Rarity
export enum ItemRarity {
* Settings for {@link CustomItem} and {@link BlockItem}
export class ItemSettings {
#maxCount: number;
#itemGroup: string;
#rarity: ItemRarity;
* Create Item Settings
constructor() {
this.#maxCount = 64;
this.#rarity = ItemRarity.COMMON;
* Set Max Count
* @param maxCount Max Count
setMaxCount(maxCount: number): ItemSettings {
this.#maxCount = maxCount;
return this;
* Set Item Group
* @param itemGroup Item Group
setItemGroup(itemGroup: string | Identifier): ItemSettings {
this.#itemGroup = itemGroup.toString();
return this;
* Set Item Rarity
* @param rarity Item Rarity
setRarity(rarity: ItemRarity): ItemSettings {
this.#rarity = rarity;
return this;
* @internal
createJavaObject(): JavaObject {
return useBridge('ItemSettings.create', this.#maxCount, this.#rarity, this.#itemGroup) as JavaObject;
* Custom Item
export class CustomItem {
* @internal
readonly settings: ItemSettings;
* Create Custom Item
* @param settings Item Settings
constructor(settings: ItemSettings) {
this.settings = settings;
* Called When The Item Is Used
* @param world World
* @param player Player
* @param hand Hand
* @returns Action Result
onUse(world: World, player: PlayerEntity, hand: Hand): ActionResult {
return ActionResult.PASS;
* Called When The Item Is Used On A Block
* @param world World
* @param pos Block Position
* @param side Side Of The Block Used
* @param player Player
* @param hand Hand
* @returns Action Result
onUseOnBlock(world: World, pos: Pos, side: Direction, player: PlayerEntity, hand: Hand): ActionResult {
return ActionResult.PASS;
* Called When The Item Is Used On An Entity
* @param player Player
* @param target Target Entity
* @param hand Hand
* @returns Action Result
onUseOnEntity(player: PlayerEntity, target: LivingEntity, hand: Hand): ActionResult {
return ActionResult.PASS;
* Block Item
export class BlockItem {
* @internal
readonly settings: ItemSettings;
* @internal
readonly block: Identifier;
* Create Block Item
* @param block Block ID
* @param settings Item Settings
constructor(block: Identifier, settings: ItemSettings) {
this.settings = settings;
this.block = block;
* @internal
export class ItemRegistry implements SimpleRegistry<CustomItem | BlockItem> {
static readonly INSTANCE = new ItemRegistry();
readonly #items: Map<string, CustomItem>;
private constructor() {
this.#items = new Map<string, CustomItem>();
register(id: Identifier, obj: CustomItem | BlockItem): void {
if (obj instanceof CustomItem) {
this.#items.set(id.toString(), obj);
useBridge('Registry.registerItem', id.toString(), obj.settings.createJavaObject());
} else {
useBridge('Registry.registerBlockItem', id.toString(), obj.settings.createJavaObject(), obj.block.toString());
get(id: Identifier): CustomItem {
return this.#items.get(id.toString());
getID(obj: CustomItem): Identifier {
for (const item of this.#items) {
if (item[1] === obj) {
return new Identifier(item[0]);
return null;
addBridge('CustomItem.onUse', (id: string, world: JavaObject, player: JavaObject, hand: keyof typeof Hand): string => {
return ItemRegistry.INSTANCE.get(new Identifier(id)).onUse(new World(world), new PlayerEntity(player), Hand[hand]);
addBridge('CustomItem.onUseOnBlock', (id: string, world: JavaObject, x: number, y: number, z: number, side: keyof typeof Direction, player: JavaObject, hand: keyof typeof Hand): string => {
return ItemRegistry.INSTANCE.get(new Identifier(id)).onUseOnBlock(new World(world), new Pos(x, y, z), Direction[side], new PlayerEntity(player), Hand[hand]);
addBridge('CustomItem.onUseOnEntity', (id: string, player: JavaObject, target: JavaObject, hand: keyof typeof Hand): boolean => {
return ItemRegistry.INSTANCE.get(new Identifier(id)).onUseOnEntity(new PlayerEntity(player), new LivingEntity(target), Hand[hand]) === ActionResult.SUCCESS;