[Info] Mod development continues with "Modget" #17

opened 2021-06-16 18:56:47 +00:00 by Ghost · 0 comments

Hello everyone! Seeing that this mod has been abandoned, I decided to fork it and port it to newer Minecraft versions myself. While doing this, I saw the opportunity to finally fix this mod's design flaws (notably the opt-in requirement for other mods to work).
The result is Modget, a quite ambitious new take on the age-old issue of Minecraft mod updates. While it's still partly based on TheBrokenRail's ModUpdater, it now works more like Microsoft's Winget, fetching new version metadata from a central GitHub repository. Apart from being able to now passively scan for mod updates, it will also be able to install and uninstall mods through commands, right from within the game. We're still in early alpha, but you can follow development over at the Modget repo!

Hello everyone! Seeing that this mod has been abandoned, I decided to fork it and port it to newer Minecraft versions myself. While doing this, I saw the opportunity to finally fix this mod's design flaws (notably the opt-in requirement for other mods to work). The result is Modget, a quite ambitious new take on the age-old issue of Minecraft mod updates. While it's still partly based on TheBrokenRail's ModUpdater, it now works more like Microsoft's [Winget](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli), fetching new version metadata from a central GitHub repository. Apart from being able to now passively scan for mod updates, it will also be able to install and uninstall mods through commands, right from within the game. We're still in early alpha, but you can follow development over at the [Modget repo](https://github.com/ReviversMC/modget)!
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1 Participants
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Reference: TheBrokenRail/ModUpdater#17
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