[Feature Request] More flexible matching #13

opened 2020-12-06 20:13:57 +00:00 by Ghost · 0 comments

It would be useful if we had some options for more flexible file name suffix mattching.
Some options:

  • match minecraft version ranges
  • allow specification of a custom separater string
  • allow specification of custom regex

(for the strategies that currently require build.gradle modification)

For example my version is currently set like

String compatible_minecraft_versions =
		(project.min_minecraft_version != project.minecraft_version ? project.min_minecraft_version : "") +

version = project.mod_version + "+MC" + compatible_minecraft_versions

which ends up making a file name like automated-crafting-1.3.13+MC1.16.2-1.16.4

If modupdater looked for MC version ranges, it would find 1.16.2-1.16.4 and I could specify "+MC" as my separator string.

It would be useful if we had some options for more flexible file name suffix mattching. Some options: - match minecraft version ranges - allow specification of a custom separater string - allow specification of custom regex (for the strategies that currently require build.gradle modification) For example my version is currently set like ``` String compatible_minecraft_versions = (project.min_minecraft_version != project.minecraft_version ? project.min_minecraft_version : "") + project.minecraft_version version = project.mod_version + "+MC" + compatible_minecraft_versions ``` which ends up making a file name like `automated-crafting-1.3.13+MC1.16.2-1.16.4` If modupdater looked for MC version ranges, it would find `1.16.2-1.16.4` and I could specify `"+MC"` as my separator string.
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Reference: TheBrokenRail/ModUpdater#13
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