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2020-08-23 02:05:06 +00:00
# FreshCoffee
2020-08-23 02:08:32 +00:00
A library mod that ensures you are running a supported version of Java and can install a supported one if you are not.
2020-08-23 02:05:06 +00:00
FreshCoffee is Minecraft version-independent.
## Changelog
[View Changelog](
## How To Include
Add this to ``build.gradle``:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
modRuntime 'com.thebrokenrail:freshcoffee:VERSION'
include 'com.thebrokenrail:freshcoffee:VERSION'
// VERSION = "<Mod Version>+<MC Version>", for example "1.0.0+1.16.2"
You can set a minimum version of Java by adding this to ``fabric.mod.json``:
"custom": {
"freshcoffee:minimum_java_version": 14
You can set a maximum version of Java by adding this to ``fabric.mod.json``:
"custom": {
"freshcoffee:maximum_java_version": 14