#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --only-generate: Ony Generate World And Then Exit static bool only_generate = false; __attribute__((constructor)) static void _init_only_generate() { only_generate = getenv(_MCPI_ONLY_GENERATE_ENV) != nullptr; } // Server Properties ServerProperties &get_server_properties() { static ServerProperties properties; return properties; } // Default Server Properties static auto &get_property_types() { static struct { const ServerProperty message_of_the_day = ServerProperty("motd", "Minecraft Server", "Message Of The Day"); const ServerProperty show_minecon_badge = ServerProperty("show-minecon-badge", "false", "Show The MineCon Badge Next To MOTD In Server List"); const ServerProperty game_mode = ServerProperty("game-mode", "0", "Game Mode (0 = Survival, 1 = Creative)"); const ServerProperty port = ServerProperty("port", std::to_string(DEFAULT_MULTIPLAYER_PORT), "Port"); const ServerProperty seed = ServerProperty("seed", "", "World Seed (Blank = Random Seed)"); const ServerProperty force_mob_spawning = ServerProperty("force-mob-spawning", "false", "Force Mob Spawning (false = Disabled, true = Enabled)"); const ServerProperty peaceful_mode = ServerProperty("peaceful-mode", "false", "Peaceful Mode (false = Disabled, true = Enabled)"); const ServerProperty world_name = ServerProperty("world-name", "world", "World To Select"); const ServerProperty max_players = ServerProperty("max-players", "4", "Maximum Player Count"); const ServerProperty enable_whitelist = ServerProperty("whitelist", "false", "Enable Whitelist"); const ServerProperty enable_death_messages = ServerProperty("death-messages", "true", "Enable Death Messages"); const ServerProperty enable_cave_generation = ServerProperty("generate-caves", "true", "Generate Caves"); } types; return types; } // Get World Name static std::string get_world_name() { const std::string name = get_server_properties().get_string(get_property_types().world_name); std::string safe_name = to_cp437(name); return safe_name; } // Create/Start World static void start_world(Minecraft *minecraft) { // Get World Name std::string world_name = get_world_name(); // Log INFO("Loading World: %s", world_name.c_str()); // Peaceful Mode Options *options = &minecraft->options; options->game_difficulty = get_server_properties().get_bool(get_property_types().peaceful_mode) ? 0 : 2; // Specify Level Settings LevelSettings settings; settings.game_type = get_server_properties().get_int(get_property_types().game_mode); const std::string seed_str = get_server_properties().get_string(get_property_types().seed); const int32_t seed = get_seed_from_string(seed_str); settings.seed = seed; // Select Level minecraft->selectLevel(world_name, world_name, settings); // Don't Open Port When Using --only-generate if (!only_generate) { // Open Port const int port = get_server_properties().get_int(get_property_types().port); INFO("Listening On: %i", port); minecraft->hostMultiplayer(port); } // Open ProgressScreen ProgressScreen *screen = ProgressScreen::allocate(); screen = screen->constructor(); minecraft->setScreen((Screen *) screen); } // Check If Running In Whitelist Mode static bool is_whitelist() { return get_server_properties().get_bool(get_property_types().enable_whitelist); } // Get Path Of Blacklist (Or Whitelist) File static std::string get_blacklist_file() { std::string file(home_get()); file.append(is_whitelist() ? "/whitelist.txt" : "/blacklist.txt"); return file; } // Get Vector Of Players In Level static std::vector get_players_in_level(Level *level) { return level->players; } // Get Player's Username static std::string get_player_username(const Player *player) { const std::string *username = &player->username; std::string safe_username = from_cp437(*username); return safe_username; } // Get Level From Minecraft static Level *get_level(const Minecraft *minecraft) { return minecraft->level; } // Find Players With Username And Run Callback typedef void (*player_callback_t)(Minecraft *minecraft, const std::string &username, Player *player); static void find_players(Minecraft *minecraft, const std::string &target_username, const player_callback_t callback, const bool all_players) { Level *level = get_level(minecraft); const std::vector players = get_players_in_level(level); bool found_player = false; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) { // Iterate Players Player *player = players[i]; std::string username = get_player_username(player); if (all_players || username == target_username) { // Run Callback callback(minecraft, username, player); found_player = true; } } if (!all_players && !found_player) { INFO("Invalid Player: %s", target_username.c_str()); } } // Get RakNet Objects static RakNet_RakNetGUID get_rak_net_guid(Player *player) { return ((ServerPlayer *) player)->guid; } static RakNet_SystemAddress get_system_address(RakNet_RakPeer *rak_peer, RakNet_RakNetGUID guid) { // Get SystemAddress return rak_peer->GetSystemAddressFromGuid(guid); } static RakNet_RakPeer *get_rak_peer(const Minecraft *minecraft) { return minecraft->rak_net_instance->peer; } static char *get_rak_net_guid_ip(RakNet_RakPeer *rak_peer, const RakNet_RakNetGUID &guid) { RakNet_SystemAddress address = get_system_address(rak_peer, guid); // Get IP return address.ToString(false, '|'); } // Get IP From Player static char *get_player_ip(const Minecraft *minecraft, Player *player) { RakNet_RakPeer *rak_peer = get_rak_peer(minecraft); const RakNet_RakNetGUID guid = get_rak_net_guid(player); // Return return get_rak_net_guid_ip(rak_peer, guid); } // Ban Player static bool is_ip_in_blacklist(const char *ip); static void ban_callback(Minecraft *minecraft, const std::string &username, Player *player) { // Get IP char *ip = get_player_ip(minecraft, player); // Ban Player INFO("Banned: %s (%s)", username.c_str(), ip); // Write To File std::ofstream blacklist_output(get_blacklist_file(), std::ios_base::app); if (blacklist_output) { if (blacklist_output.good()) { blacklist_output << "# " << username << '\n' << ip << '\n'; } if (blacklist_output.is_open()) { blacklist_output.close(); } } // Reload is_ip_in_blacklist(nullptr); } // Kill Player static void kill_callback(__attribute__((unused)) Minecraft *minecraft, __attribute__((unused)) const std::string &username, Player *player) { player->hurt(nullptr, INT32_MAX); INFO("Killed: %s", username.c_str()); } // List Player static void list_callback(Minecraft *minecraft, const std::string &username, Player *player) { INFO(" - %s (%s)", username.c_str(), get_player_ip(minecraft, player)); } // Get ServerSideNetworkHandler From Minecraft static ServerSideNetworkHandler *get_server_side_network_handler(const Minecraft *minecraft) { return (ServerSideNetworkHandler *) minecraft->network_handler; } // Read STDIN Thread static pthread_t read_stdin_thread_obj; static volatile bool stdin_line_ready = false; static std::string stdin_line; static void *read_stdin_thread(__attribute__((unused)) void *data) { // Loop char *line = nullptr; size_t len = 0; while (getline(&line, &len, stdin) != -1) { stdin_line = line; stdin_line_ready = true; // Wait For Line To Be Read while (stdin_line_ready) {} } free(line); return nullptr; } // Handle Server Stop static void handle_server_stop(Minecraft *minecraft) { if (compat_check_exit_requested()) { INFO("Stopping Server"); // Save And Exit Level *level = get_level(minecraft); if (level != nullptr) { level->saveLevelData(); } minecraft->leaveGame(false); // Kill Reader Thread pthread_cancel(read_stdin_thread_obj); pthread_join(read_stdin_thread_obj, nullptr); stdin_line_ready = false; // Stop Game SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_QUIT; media_SDL_PushEvent(&event); } } // Handle Commands bool ServerCommand::has_args() const { return name[name.length() - 1] == ' '; } std::string ServerCommand::get_lhs_help() const { std::string out; out.append(4, ' '); out += name; if (has_args()) { out += ""; } return out; } std::string ServerCommand::get_full_help(const int max_lhs_length) const { std::string out = get_lhs_help(); out.append(max_lhs_length - out.length(), ' '); out += " - "; out += comment; return out; } std::vector *server_get_commands(Minecraft *minecraft, ServerSideNetworkHandler *server_side_network_handler) { std::vector *commands = new std::vector; // Ban Player if (!is_whitelist()) { commands->push_back({ .name = "ban ", .comment = "IP-Ban All Players With Specified Username", .callback = [minecraft](const std::string &cmd) { find_players(minecraft, cmd, ban_callback, false); } }); } // Reload White/Blacklist commands->push_back({ .name = "reload", .comment = std::string("Reload The ") + (is_whitelist() ? "Whitelist" : "Blacklist"), .callback = [](__attribute__((unused)) const std::string &cmd) { INFO("Reloading %s", is_whitelist() ? "Whitelist" : "Blacklist"); is_ip_in_blacklist(nullptr); } }); // Kill Player commands->push_back({ .name = "kill ", .comment = "Kill All Players With Specified Username", .callback = [minecraft](const std::string &cmd) { find_players(minecraft, cmd, kill_callback, false); } }); // Post Message commands->push_back({ .name = "say ", .comment = "Print Specified Message To Chat", .callback = [server_side_network_handler](const std::string &cmd) { // Format Message const std::string message = "[Server] " + cmd; std::string cpp_string = to_cp437(message); // Post Message To Chat server_side_network_handler->displayGameMessage(cpp_string); } }); // List Players commands->push_back({ .name = "list", .comment = "List All Players", .callback = [minecraft](__attribute__((unused)) const std::string &cmd) { INFO("All Players:"); find_players(minecraft, "", list_callback, true); } }); // Ticks-Per-Second commands->push_back({ .name = "tps", .comment = "Print TPS", .callback = [](__attribute__((unused)) const std::string &cmd) { INFO("TPS: %f", tps); } }); // Stop commands->push_back({ .name = "stop", .comment = "Stop Server", .callback = [](__attribute__((unused)) const std::string &cmd) { compat_request_exit(); } }); // Help Page commands->push_back({ .name = "help", .comment = "Print This Message", .callback = [commands](__attribute__((unused)) const std::string &cmd) { INFO("All Commands:"); int max_lhs_length = 0; for (ServerCommand command : *commands) { const int lhs_length = command.get_lhs_help().length(); if (lhs_length > max_lhs_length) { max_lhs_length = lhs_length; } } for (ServerCommand command : *commands) { INFO("%s", command.get_full_help(max_lhs_length).c_str()); } } }); // Return return commands; } static void handle_commands(Minecraft *minecraft) { // Check If Level Is Generated if (minecraft->isLevelGenerated() && stdin_line_ready) { // Read Line std::string data = std::move(stdin_line); data.pop_back(); // Remove Newline stdin_line_ready = false; // Command Ready; Run It ServerSideNetworkHandler *server_side_network_handler = get_server_side_network_handler(minecraft); if (server_side_network_handler != nullptr) { // Generate Command List std::vector *commands = server_get_commands(minecraft, server_side_network_handler); // Run bool success = false; for (ServerCommand command : *commands) { const bool valid = command.has_args() ? data.rfind(command.name, 0) == 0 : data == command.name; if (valid) { command.callback(data.substr(command.name.length())); success = true; break; } } if (!success) { INFO("Invalid Command: %s", data.c_str()); } // Free delete commands; } } } // Runs Every Tick static bool loaded = false; static void Minecraft_update_injection(Minecraft *minecraft) { // Create/Start World if (!loaded) { start_world(minecraft); loaded = true; } // Handle --only-generate if (only_generate && minecraft->isLevelGenerated()) { // Request Exit compat_request_exit(); // Disable Special Behavior After Requesting Exit only_generate = false; } // Handle Commands handle_commands(minecraft); // Server Stop handle_server_stop(minecraft); } // Check Blacklist/Whitelist static bool is_ip_in_blacklist(const char *ip) { static std::vector ips; if (ip == nullptr) { // Reload ips.clear(); // Check banned-ips.txt const std::string blacklist_file_path = get_blacklist_file(); std::ifstream blacklist_file(blacklist_file_path); if (blacklist_file) { if (blacklist_file.good()) { std::string line; while (std::getline(blacklist_file, line)) { // Check Line if (line.length() > 0 && line[0] != '#') { ips.push_back(line); } } } if (blacklist_file.is_open()) { blacklist_file.close(); } } else { ERR("Unable To Read Blacklist/Whitelist"); } return false; } else { // Check List for (std::string &x : ips) { if (x == ip) { return true; } } return false; } } // Ban Players static bool RakNet_RakPeer_IsBanned_injection(__attribute__((unused)) RakNet_RakPeer_IsBanned_t original, __attribute__((unused)) RakNet_RakPeer *rakpeer, const char *ip) { // Check List const bool ret = is_ip_in_blacklist(ip); if (is_whitelist()) { return !ret; } else { return ret; } } // Log IPs static Player *ServerSideNetworkHandler_onReady_ClientGeneration_ServerSideNetworkHandler_popPendingPlayer_injection(ServerSideNetworkHandler *server_side_network_handler, const RakNet_RakNetGUID &guid) { // Call Original Method Player *player = server_side_network_handler->popPendingPlayer(guid); // Check If Player Is Null if (player != nullptr) { // Get Data const std::string *username = &player->username; const Minecraft *minecraft = server_side_network_handler->minecraft; RakNet_RakPeer *rak_peer = get_rak_peer(minecraft); char *ip = get_rak_net_guid_ip(rak_peer, guid); // Log INFO("%s Has Joined (IP: %s)", username->c_str(), ip); } // Return return player; } // Get MOTD static std::string get_motd() { std::string motd(get_server_properties().get_string(get_property_types().message_of_the_day)); return motd; } // Get Feature Flags static bool loaded_features = false; static const char *get_features() { static std::string features; if (!loaded_features) { loaded_features = true; features.clear(); if (get_server_properties().get_bool(get_property_types().force_mob_spawning)) { features += "Force Mob Spawning|"; } if (get_server_properties().get_bool(get_property_types().enable_death_messages)) { features += "Implement Death Messages|"; } if (get_server_properties().get_bool(get_property_types().enable_cave_generation)) { features += "Generate Caves|"; } } return features.c_str(); } // Get Max Players static unsigned char get_max_players() { int val = get_server_properties().get_int(get_property_types().max_players); if (val < 0) { val = 0; } if (val > 255) { val = 255; } return (unsigned char) val; } // Real Init Server static void server_init() { // Open Properties File std::string file(home_get()); file.append("/server.properties"); std::ifstream properties_file(file); // Check Properties File if (!properties_file.good()) { // Write Defaults std::ofstream properties_file_output(file); get_property_types(); for (const ServerProperty *property : ServerProperty::get_all()) { properties_file_output << "# " << property->comment << '\n'; properties_file_output << property->key << '=' << property->def << '\n'; } properties_file_output.close(); // Re-Open File properties_file = std::ifstream(file); } // Check Properties File if (!properties_file.is_open()) { ERR("Unable To Open %s", file.c_str()); } // Load Properties get_server_properties().load(properties_file); // Close Properties File properties_file.close(); // Create Empty Blacklist/Whitelist File std::string blacklist_file_path = get_blacklist_file(); std::ifstream blacklist_file(blacklist_file_path); if (!blacklist_file.good()) { // Write Default std::ofstream blacklist_output(blacklist_file_path); blacklist_output << "# Blacklist/Whitelist; Each Line Is One IP Address\n"; blacklist_output.close(); } if (blacklist_file.is_open()) { blacklist_file.close(); } // Load Blacklist/Whitelist is_ip_in_blacklist(nullptr); // Prevent Main Player From Loading unsigned char player_patch[4] = {0x00, 0x20, 0xa0, 0xe3}; // "mov r2, #0x0" patch((void *) 0x1685c, player_patch); // Start World On Launch misc_run_on_update(Minecraft_update_injection); // Set Max Players unsigned char max_players_patch[4] = {get_max_players(), 0x30, 0xa0, 0xe3}; // "mov r3, #MAX_PLAYERS" patch((void *) 0x166d0, max_players_patch); // Custom Banned IP List overwrite_calls(RakNet_RakPeer_IsBanned, RakNet_RakPeer_IsBanned_injection); // Show The MineCon Icon Next To MOTD In Server List if (get_server_properties().get_bool(get_property_types().show_minecon_badge)) { unsigned char minecon_badge_patch[4] = {0x04, 0x1a, 0x9f, 0xe5}; // "ldr r1, [0x741f0]" patch((void *) 0x737e4, minecon_badge_patch); } // Log IPs overwrite_call((void *) 0x75e54, (void *) ServerSideNetworkHandler_onReady_ClientGeneration_ServerSideNetworkHandler_popPendingPlayer_injection); // Start Reading STDIN pthread_create(&read_stdin_thread_obj, nullptr, read_stdin_thread, nullptr); } // Init Server void init_server() { server_init(); set_and_print_env(MCPI_FEATURE_FLAGS_ENV, get_features()); set_and_print_env(MCPI_RENDER_DISTANCE_ENV, "Tiny"); set_and_print_env(MCPI_USERNAME_ENV, get_motd().c_str()); }