#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Atlas Texture constexpr int atlas_texture_size = 2048; // Must Be Power Of Two // Atlas Dimensions constexpr int atlas_entry_size = 48; constexpr int atlas_size_entries = atlas_texture_size / atlas_entry_size; // Render Atlas static int get_atlas_key(Item *item, const int data) { const int id = item->id; const int icon = item->getIcon(data); return (id << 16) | icon; } static std::unordered_map> atlas_key_to_pos; static std::unordered_map>> tile_texture_to_atlas_pos; static bool is_flat_tile(const int id) { // Check If An Item Is A Tile if (id < 256) { Tile *tile = Tile::tiles[id]; // Check If It Renders Without A Model ("Flat" Rendering) if (tile && !TileRenderer::canRender(tile->getRenderShape())) { return true; } } return false; } static void render_atlas(Textures *textures) { int x = 0; int y = 0; // Loop Over All Possible IDs for (int id = 0; id < 512; id++) { Item *item = Item::items[id]; if (!item) { // Invalid ID continue; } // Count Unique Textures constexpr int amount_of_data_values_to_check = 512; std::unordered_map key_to_data; for (int data = amount_of_data_values_to_check - 1; data >= 0; data--) { int key = get_atlas_key(item, data); key_to_data[key] = data; } // Loop Over All Data Values With Unique Textures for (const std::pair info : key_to_data) { const int key = info.first; const int data = info.second; // Check Remaining Space (Leave Last Slot Empty) constexpr int last_entry_pos = atlas_size_entries - 1; if (x == last_entry_pos && y == last_entry_pos) { WARN("Out Of gui_blocks Atlas Space!"); return; } // Position media_glPushMatrix(); media_glTranslatef(atlas_entry_size * x, atlas_entry_size * y, 0); constexpr float scale = atlas_entry_size / 16.0f; media_glScalef(scale, scale, 1); // Render ItemInstance obj = { .count = 1, .id = id, .auxiliary = data }; ItemRenderer::renderGuiItemCorrect(nullptr, textures, &obj, 0, 0); media_glPopMatrix(); // Store atlas_key_to_pos[key] = {x, y}; if (is_flat_tile(id)) { int icon = item->getIcon(data); tile_texture_to_atlas_pos[icon].push_back(atlas_key_to_pos[key]); } // Advance To Next Slot x++; if (x >= atlas_size_entries) { x = 0; y++; } } } } static void generate_atlas(Minecraft *minecraft) { // Setup Offscreen Rendering media_begin_offscreen_render(atlas_texture_size, atlas_texture_size); // Setup OpenGL ((NinecraftApp *) minecraft)->initGLStates(); media_glViewport(0, 0, atlas_texture_size, atlas_texture_size); media_glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); media_glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); media_glLoadIdentity(); media_glOrthof(0, atlas_texture_size, atlas_texture_size, 0, 2000, 3000); media_glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); media_glLoadIdentity(); media_glTranslatef(0, 0, -2000); media_glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Re-Upload Textures Textures *textures = Textures::allocate(); textures->constructor(&minecraft->options, minecraft->platform()); // Render render_atlas(textures); // Copy Open Inventory Button textures->loadAndBindTexture("gui/gui_blocks.png"); constexpr int icon_width = 28; constexpr int icon_height = 8; minecraft->gui.blit(atlas_texture_size - icon_width, atlas_texture_size - icon_height, 242, 252, icon_width, icon_height, 14, 4); // Read Texture int line_size = atlas_texture_size * 4; { // Handle Alignment int alignment; media_glGetIntegerv(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, &alignment); // Round line_size = ALIGN_UP(line_size, alignment); } Texture texture; texture.width = atlas_texture_size; texture.height = atlas_texture_size; texture.field3_0xc = 0; texture.field4_0x10 = true; texture.field5_0x11 = false; texture.field6_0x14 = 0; texture.field7_0x18 = -1; texture.data = new unsigned char[atlas_texture_size * line_size]; media_glReadPixels(0, 0, atlas_texture_size, atlas_texture_size, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.data); for (int y = 0; y < (texture.height / 2); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < (texture.width * 4); x++) { unsigned char &a = texture.data[(y * line_size) + x]; unsigned char &b = texture.data[((texture.height - y - 1) * line_size) + x]; std::swap(a, b); } } // Restore Old Context textures->destructor(); ::operator delete(textures); media_end_offscreen_render(); // Upload Texture minecraft->textures->assignTexture("gui/gui_blocks.png", texture); DEBUG("Generated gui_blocks Atlas"); } // Use New Atlas static void ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem_two_injection(__attribute__((unused)) ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem_two_t original, __attribute__((unused)) Font *font, Textures *textures, const ItemInstance *item_instance_ptr, const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h, __attribute__((unused)) bool param_5) { // "Carried" Items ItemInstance item_instance = *item_instance_ptr; if (item_instance.id == Tile::leaves->id) { item_instance.id = Tile::leaves_carried->id; } else if (item_instance.id == Tile::grass->id) { item_instance.id = Tile::grass_carried->id; } // Get Position Item *item = Item::items[item_instance.id]; if (!item) { return; } const int key = get_atlas_key(item, item_instance.auxiliary); if (!atlas_key_to_pos.contains(key)) { WARN("Skipping Item Not In gui_blocks Atlas: %i:%i", item_instance.id, item_instance.auxiliary); return; } const std::pair &pos = atlas_key_to_pos[key]; // Convert To UV constexpr float scale = float(atlas_texture_size) / atlas_entry_size; float u0 = float(pos.first) / scale; float u1 = float(pos.first + 1) / scale; float v0 = float(pos.second) / scale; float v1 = float(pos.second + 1) / scale; // Render textures->loadAndBindTexture("gui/gui_blocks.png"); Tesselator &t = Tesselator::instance; t.begin(GL_QUADS); t.colorABGR(item_instance.count > 0 ? 0xffffffff : 0x60ffffff); t.vertexUV(x, y + h, 0, u0, v1); t.vertexUV(x + w, y + h, 0, u1, v1); t.vertexUV(x + w, y, 0, u1, v0); t.vertexUV(x, y, 0, u0, v0); t.draw(); } // Fix Buggy Crop Textures #define MAX_CROP_DATA 7 static int CropTile_getTexture2_injection(CropTile_getTexture2_t original, CropTile *self, const int face, int data) { if (data > MAX_CROP_DATA) { data = MAX_CROP_DATA; } return original(self, face, data); } // Fix Open Inventory Button static void Gui_renderToolBar_GuiComponent_blit_injection(GuiComponent *self, int x_dest, int y_dest, __attribute__((unused)) const int x_src, __attribute__((unused)) const int y_src, const int width_dest, const int height_dest, const int width_src, const int height_src) { constexpr float size_scale = 2.0f / atlas_texture_size; constexpr float u1 = 1.0f; const float u0 = u1 - (float(width_src) * size_scale); constexpr float v1 = 1.0f; const float v0 = v1 - (float(height_src) * size_scale); Tesselator &t = Tesselator::instance; t.begin(GL_QUADS); t.vertexUV(x_dest, y_dest + height_dest, self->z, u0, v1); t.vertexUV(x_dest + width_dest, y_dest + height_dest, self->z, u1, v1); t.vertexUV(x_dest + width_dest, y_dest, self->z, u1, v0); t.vertexUV(x_dest, y_dest, self->z, u0, v0); t.draw(); } // Update Dynamic Textures In Atlas void atlas_update_tile(Textures *textures, const int texture, const unsigned char *pixels) { // Update Texture for (const std::pair &pos : tile_texture_to_atlas_pos[texture]) { uint32_t atlas_id = textures->loadAndBindTexture("gui/gui_blocks.png"); const Texture *atlas_data = textures->getTemporaryTextureData(atlas_id); constexpr int texture_size = 16; constexpr float fake_atlas_size = atlas_texture_size * (float(texture_size) / atlas_entry_size); media_glTexSubImage2D_with_scaling(atlas_data, pos.first * texture_size, pos.second * texture_size, texture_size, texture_size, fake_atlas_size, fake_atlas_size, pixels); } } // Init void init_atlas() { // Generate Atlas if (feature_has("Regenerate \"gui_blocks\" Atlas", server_disabled)) { misc_run_on_init(generate_atlas); overwrite_calls(CropTile_getTexture2, CropTile_getTexture2_injection); overwrite_calls(ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem_two, ItemRenderer_renderGuiItem_two_injection); overwrite_call((void *) 0x26f50, (void *) Gui_renderToolBar_GuiComponent_blit_injection); } }