145 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
#include <pthread.h>
#include <vector>
#include <libreborn/libreborn.h>
#include <symbols/minecraft.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <mods/misc/misc.h>
#include <mods/textures/textures.h>
#include "skin-internal.h"
2023-11-11 00:44:26 -05:00
#include "stb_image.h"
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
// Constants
#define SKIN_WIDTH 64
#define SKIN_HEIGHT 32
// Loading Pending Skins
struct pending_skin {
int32_t texture_id;
char *data;
2023-11-11 00:44:26 -05:00
int size;
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
static std::vector<pending_skin> &get_pending_skins() {
static std::vector<pending_skin> pending_skins;
return pending_skins;
static pthread_mutex_t pending_skins_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
2024-01-06 06:30:23 -05:00
static void load_pending_skins(__attribute__((unused)) Minecraft *minecraft) {
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
// Lock
// Loop
for (pending_skin &skin : get_pending_skins()) {
// Read PNG Info
2023-11-11 00:44:26 -05:00
int width = 0, height = 0, channels = 0;
stbi_uc *img = stbi_load_from_memory((unsigned char *) skin.data, skin.size, &width, &height, &channels, STBI_rgb_alpha);
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
if (width != SKIN_WIDTH || height != SKIN_HEIGHT) {
// Load Texture
GLint last_texture;
glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &last_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, skin.texture_id);
2023-11-11 00:44:26 -05:00
glTexSubImage2D_with_scaling(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, width, height, SKIN_WIDTH, SKIN_HEIGHT, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img);
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, last_texture);
// Free
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2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
// Free
for (pending_skin &skin : get_pending_skins()) {
// Clear
// Unlock
2023-10-21 16:36:54 -04:00
// Skin Server
static std::string get_skin_server() {
const char *custom_server = getenv("MCPI_SKIN_SERVER");
if (custom_server != NULL) {
return custom_server;
} else {
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
// Skin Loader
struct loader_data {
int32_t texture_id;
std::string name;
static void *loader_thread(void *user_data) {
// Loader Data
loader_data *data = (loader_data *) user_data;
// Download
2023-10-21 16:36:54 -04:00
std::string url = get_skin_server() + '/' + data->name + ".png";
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
int return_code;
const char *command[] = {"wget", "-O", "-", url.c_str(), NULL};
2023-11-11 00:44:26 -05:00
size_t output_size = 0;
char *output = run_command(command, &return_code, &output_size);
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
// Check Success
if (output != NULL && is_exit_status_success(return_code)) {
// Success
DEBUG("Downloaded Skin: %s", data->name.c_str());
// Add To Pending Skins
pending_skin skin;
skin.texture_id = data->texture_id;
skin.data = output;
2023-11-11 00:44:26 -05:00
skin.size = (int) output_size;
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
} else {
// Failure
WARN("Failed To Download Skin: %s", data->name.c_str());
// Free
delete data;
return NULL;
// Intercept Texture Creation
2024-01-06 06:30:23 -05:00
static int32_t Textures_assignTexture_injection(Textures *textures, std::string *name, unsigned char *data) {
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
// Call Original Method
2024-01-07 03:23:43 -05:00
int32_t id = Textures_assignTexture(textures, name, data);
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// Load Skin
2024-01-06 06:30:23 -05:00
if (starts_with(name->c_str(), "$")) {
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
loader_data *user_data = new loader_data;
2024-01-06 06:30:23 -05:00
user_data->name = name->substr(1);
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00
DEBUG("Loading Skin: %s", user_data->name.c_str());
user_data->texture_id = id;
// Start Thread
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, loader_thread, (void *) user_data);
// Return
return id;
// Init
void _init_skin_loader() {
// Intercept Texture Creation
overwrite_calls((void *) Textures_assignTexture, (void *) Textures_assignTexture_injection);
// Pending Skins
2023-10-21 16:36:54 -04:00
// Log
DEBUG("Skin Server: %s", get_skin_server().c_str());
2023-10-19 01:23:34 -04:00