/* * This is only loaded when no other EGL library is present on the system to silence linker errors. * * All EGL calls are manually patched out in mods/src/compat/egl.c. * Unlike with bcm_host, EGL can't just be always stubbed out with LD_PRELOAD, because in some situations GLFW has it as a dependency. * * So normally, MCPI just loads the real EGL and never uses it (because MCPI's EGL calls were patched out). * However, since the real EGL is still loaded, GLFW can use it if it needs to. * * This stub library is just in case the system has no EGL library present. */ #include #include #define IMPOSSIBLE() ERR("(%s:%i) This Should Never Be Called", __FILE__, __LINE__) // EGL Is Replaced With GLFW EGLDisplay eglGetDisplay(__attribute__((unused)) NativeDisplayType native_display) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglInitialize(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint *major, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint *minor) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglChooseConfig(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint const *attrib_list, __attribute__((unused)) EGLConfig *configs, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint config_size, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint *num_config) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglBindAPI(__attribute__((unused)) EGLenum api) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLContext eglCreateContext(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLConfig config, __attribute__((unused)) EGLContext share_context, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint const *attrib_list) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLSurface eglCreateWindowSurface(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLConfig config, __attribute__((unused)) NativeWindowType native_window, __attribute__((unused)) EGLint const *attrib_list) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglMakeCurrent(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLSurface draw, __attribute__((unused)) EGLSurface read, __attribute__((unused)) EGLContext context) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglDestroySurface(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLSurface surface) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglDestroyContext(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLContext context) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglTerminate(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display) { IMPOSSIBLE(); } EGLBoolean eglSwapBuffers(__attribute__((unused)) EGLDisplay display, __attribute__((unused)) EGLSurface surface) { IMPOSSIBLE(); }