#!/usr/bin/env node import * as path from 'node:path'; import * as url from 'node:url'; import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import * as child_process from 'node:child_process'; // Logging const EXIT_FAILURE = 1; function fail(message) { console.error(message); process.exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } function err(message) { fail('ERROR: ' + message); } function info(message) { console.log('INFO: ' + message); } // Enums function Enum(values) { for (const value of values) { this[value] = {name: value.toLowerCase()}; } } Enum.prototype.get = function (name) { for (const value in this) { if (value.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) { return this[value]; } } return null; }; function wrap(obj) { return new Proxy(obj, { get(target, property) { if (property in target) { return target[property]; } else { err('Undefined Value: ' + property); } } }); } const PackageTypes = wrap(new Enum([ 'None', 'AppImage', 'Flatpak' ])); const Architectures = wrap(new Enum([ 'AMD64', 'ARM64', 'ARMHF', 'Host' ])); // Folders const __filename = url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); const root = path.join(__dirname, '..'); let build = path.join(root, 'build'); let out = path.join(root, 'out'); // Positional Arguments let argIndex = 2; // Skip First Two Arguments function readArg(from, type) { // Check Argument Count if (argIndex >= process.argv.length) { err('Expecting ' + type); } // Read Argument const arg = process.argv[argIndex++]; const value = from.get(arg); if (value === null) { err(`Invalid ${type}: ${arg}`); } // Return return value; } // Type Of Packaging const packageType = readArg(PackageTypes, 'Package Type'); // Build Architecture const architecture = readArg(Architectures, 'Architecture'); // Flatpak Builds Work Best Without Custom Toolchains if (packageType === PackageTypes.Flatpak && architecture !== Architectures.Host) { err('Flatpak Builds Do Not Support Custom Toolchains'); } // CMake Build Options const options = new Map(); // Other Arguments let clean = false; let install = false; for (; argIndex < process.argv.length; argIndex++) { const arg = process.argv[argIndex]; if (arg.startsWith('-D')) { // Pass Build Option To CMake let parsedArg = arg.substring(2); const split = parsedArg.indexOf('='); if (split === -1) { err('Unable To Parse Build Option: ' + arg); } const name = parsedArg.substring(0, split); const value = parsedArg.substring(split + 1); if (!/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/.test(name) || name.length === 0) { err('Invalid Build Option Name: ' + name); } options.set(name, value); } else if (arg === '--clean') { // Remove Existing Build Directory clean = true; } else if (arg === '--install') { // Install To System Instead Of Output Directory if (packageType === PackageTypes.AppImage) { err('AppImages Cannot Be Installed'); } install = true; } else { err('Invalid Argument: ' + arg); } } // Update Folders function updateDir(dir) { if (packageType !== PackageTypes.None) { dir = path.join(dir, packageType.name); } return path.join(dir, architecture.name); } build = updateDir(build); let cleanOut = false; // AppImages Are Placed Directly In ./out if (packageType !== PackageTypes.AppImage) { cleanOut = true; out = updateDir(out); } // Configure Build Options function toCmakeBool(val) { return val ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; } options.set('MCPI_IS_APPIMAGE_BUILD', toCmakeBool(packageType === PackageTypes.AppImage)); options.set('MCPI_IS_FLATPAK_BUILD', toCmakeBool(packageType === PackageTypes.Flatpak)); if (architecture !== Architectures.Host) { options.set('CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE', path.join(root, 'cmake', 'toolchain', architecture.name + '-toolchain.cmake')); } else { options.delete('CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE'); } // Make Build Directory function createDir(dir, clean) { if (clean) { fs.rmSync(dir, {recursive: true, force: true}); } fs.mkdirSync(dir, {recursive: true}); } createDir(build, clean); if (!install) { createDir(out, cleanOut); } // Run CMake function run(command) { try { info('Running: ' + command.join(' ')); child_process.execFileSync(command[0], command.slice(1), {cwd: build, stdio: 'inherit'}); } catch (e) { err(e); } } const cmake = ['cmake', '-GNinja']; options.forEach((value, key, map) => { cmake.push(`-D${key}=${value}`); }); cmake.push(root); run(cmake); // Build run(['cmake', '--build', '.']); // Package if (packageType !== PackageTypes.AppImage) { if (!install) { process.env.DESTDIR = out; } run(['cmake', '--install', '.']); } else { run(['cmake', '--build', '.', '--target', 'package']); // Copy Generated Files const files = fs.readdirSync(build); for (const file of files) { if (file.includes('.AppImage')) { info('Copying: ' + file); const src = path.join(build, file); const dst = path.join(out, file); fs.copyFileSync(src, dst); } } }