# ModUpdater A simple Minecraft mod updater. **NOTE:** This is only able to scan mods that have opted-in! ## Mod Users Go to the Mod Menu and click the configure icon for ModUpdater. ## Mod Developers Place this in your ``fabric.mod.json``: **Maven** ```json { "custom": { "modupdater": { "strategy": "maven", "repository": "https://maven.fabricmc.net", "group": "net.fabricmc.fabric-api", "artifact": "fabric-api" } } } ``` **CurseForge** ```json { "custom": { "modupdater": { "strategy": "curseforge", "projectID": 306612 } } } ``` Also replace this in ````build.gradle````: ```gradle version = project.mod_version ``` with: ```gradle version = "${project.mod_version}+${project.minecraft_version}" ``` ## Changelog [View Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## Credits The icon was created by ``ProspectorDev``.